『 9 』

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Date created: 06/15/20
Date finished: 06/16/20
Author's notes: This will be mainly Astria's pov. Depending on how the chapter goes. I'm going to skip the battle with Avatar. Author-chan is being lazy rn.
Warnings: This chapter will contain small amounts of mature content such as touchy touch scenes.


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『 9: Change of Plans 』

"You want to do what?"

After watching the awakening of one her creators greatness creates for his finale plan. Belial had talented her to a abandon Astral lab.. Fixed up to seem like a simple home. Sandalphon and the rest of the crew were quick to fight the chaotic beast. But something was different about Sandalphon. His face carried more emotions and his power was off the charts then what she felt before.

Bubs or she found out his actual name was Beelzebub. Had mentioned the he had gain the power of the Supreme Primarch. That he would be a nuisance to they're plans. Which leads to right now.

Astria sat on the edge of a king size bed, watching as the fallen angel before her explain the plans Beelzebub mentioned.

"Hah your hearing didn't get damaged too did it?" his remark earned him a slap across his cheek.

Astria was furious, they wanted to resurrect the very man who planned to destroy the whole world. The man who had separated them, the same man who forced Belial to watch as she fell to her death. The one who caused her to lose her memories. They wanted to bring him back!?

"You knew what I meant! Why even think of bringing him back! After what he did. If I could remember own memories. I'm sure he did more horrible things!"

For once Belial wore a blank face.. No hint of emotion was present. It almost frightened her at the lack of expressions.

"I know how you feel, I to have the same feeling. But this isn't my plan. I'm just going along because I once didn't have nothing to lose. For two Millennia I have lived along the humans. Hiding from the other primarchs because of Lucilius's plans and the rebellion. When Bubs escaped the prison. It was the only entertainment I have... That is until you came along"

"... So you are doing this because you were bored? That's it?" she couldn't help but to feel more upset. Bringing the end of the sky Dom and all life because of boredom. Who does that?.  She folded her arms and glanced away from the male.

"So what now? Since I came along?"

A sigh escape his lips, taking a few strides until he was directly in front of her. Crunching down to be more at her level. 

"No matter what I do. Bubs will still carry out his plans.. To bring him back and to become the Singularity" He began,  reaching up to grab her chin. Making her look at him. His crimson eyes staring directly into hers. "We will hideout from the rest of the world until everything is over".

"He can't come back... Don't let him bring that monster back!" She was begging him, not only with her words. But with her eyes and body.

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