
291 4 0

Date created: 01/04/20
Date finished: 01/06/20

Authors Notes: This chapter will be in different characters pov. Mostly in Sandalphon's. Also clearly not the same as the original storyline- I have changed it up some to fit my ideas of the story. Sorry!-

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『 ρяσℓσgυє: ᴀᴡᴀᴋᴇɴɪɴɢ 』

Sandalphon frowned deeply as Gran and the rest of the crew had dragged him off of the Grandcypher and into the lovely town of Port Breeze for the first time. The very same town that he recently tried to destroy. It has only been a couple of days since Gran accepted him into his crew... Since he sinned terribly against the world.

Sandalphon paid no mind as he walked along with the group to the shop in need of supplies. Staring at the ground as he was in deep thought. 

'These people... Even if they didn't trust me yet, they accepted me'.

It confused him deeply and it annoyed the hell out of him. He tried to kill these people, bring harm to all, but they accepted him? Sandalphon knew only of this kindness from his lord, his friend, his dear creator; Lucifer and one other that was long gone. He knew nothing of the sorts from the shy dwellers and all these new feelings that seem to suddenly appear since he has become apart of the crew.

"Hey Sandalphon, are you alright?" The girl in blue asked. Lyria he believed her name was... a Much kind and caring being like Lucifer.


Sandalphon didn't speak at first but after a glance over to see the worry on the young girl's face. He felt slightly bad for making her worry. After all, a person such as himself didn't deserve such a thing from someone like her.

"I'm... I'm fine. Umm... Just thinking" he finally replied, nearly inaudible though.

"Oh? Well, that's good. I just wanted to ask. You seemed deep in thought. Though I don't blame you" she said as she gave the primarch a soft smile. "I know everything is tough right now, but we're friends. We'll get through this"

His heart clenched at the sight of her smile, the sound of her words... This was all so new and he deserved none of this.

He just nodded at her and continued on until everyone had walked through the doors of the market shop.

"Heyo! Good to see you guys again!" a small woman exclaimed as soon as we stepped inside, running around the tables of goods to stand in front of the crew. Her bird that was perched on her shoulder singing in excitement.

"Whatcha guys up too?"

Gran flashed a big smile at the woman. "Hey there, we're here to restock our supplies before the celebration starts in a couple of days"

"Yeah! We still have a world to save from the empire!"

"Oh ho? Well, we have plenty and everything! We even got some good stuff in the back!"

Katalina smiled and thanked the woman as she, the little red dragon and the gunman... Rickie? Racky?... Something like that- walked to the tables and shelves to pick what the Grandcypher needed.

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