Chapter 5

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I moved backwards toward Quackity and away from Dream. Awkward. "Would you like to live with me?" Dream offered, putting forward a hand with a slight smile. I looked to Quackity, he nodded. "Sure." i said grabbing hold of his hand an dragging him out. He about fell, he wasn't expecting it. I smiled letting free of his hand and running toward 'Dreams' home. I knew from spying he had no home but this was a place he stayed. A castle instead of home. As far as i knew this was Erets, Dream just lived in it.

Dream ran after me until i jolted to a stop and turned around. Afraid of knocking me over, he fell. "Clumsy, clumsy Dream." i taunted with a smirk, he frowned as i offered a hand to help as citizens made a crowd as i taunted and embarrassed him. He rolled his eyes and stared at my hand like it was an insult, in which it was. He got up himself pretty much towering over me.

I turned around to the crowed and smiled as the newsman took my photo. I'm not liked in these parts, for stealing than taunting but that's what made me liked in L'manberg.

I walked past the crowd with a wave as Dream made his way through, questions and weird looks trampled Dream as he walked past. I basked in the scared looks i got. Being feared feels great but weird. I shrugged it off though.

We arrived at the castle and i about died to the guards. "You're known around here so don't even-" "Sh." the guard spoke in a deep hushed voice before Dream shushed him and the guard saluted immediately and shut up. "Don't fret. No stealing or anything this time." i said raising my arms up slowly, Dream shot me a "What the fuck" look and i smiled as the gates opened.

I walked in as if it was totally normal to me to just walts into a castle. It wasn't. Eret opened the door "Ah Dream, who've you brought with you?" Eret greeted, "She's-" Dream started "I'm Y/n." i cut Dream off stepping forward with a smile and my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Eret." he says shaking my hand with a smile.

"I'm familiar." i said squeezing his hand a bit, "Don't you remember me? Or was it not meant to be?" i said with a straight face as his mouth fell agape. I let go of his hand as he stood shocked, he forgot i was about killed because his betrayal. All of L'manberg for that fact.

I opened the door more walking in and waved for Dream to follow. He did and continued touring me throughout the castle. Eret shortly after we entered the kitchen left the castle, shutting the door.

"Who- wait, why is she here?" Sapnap aggressively whispered to Dream as i gazed around. "Don't worry, she's with us now. I hope." he half whispered. I wandered around and eventually found a living room, someone who i supposed was drunk due to the many beers on the table he sat on the ginormous couch and i found a cat.

I focused on the cat of course, i pet it sitting on the ground. The drunk got up but i just ignored him till' he came up to me. "Who are you?" he asked burping, rude "Y/n. Who are you?" i asked standing up and turning to him. He had horns atop his head i stared at them and he noticed waving his hand close to my face. "I said, i'm Jschlatt. But you can call me schlatt." he said sounding annoyed, "Why are you here?" i asked looking into his eyes. He was sorta scary, i backed up "I'm running in the election. I hear you're a criminal, so tell me. Why are you here." he whispered into my ear walking past me.

I was right, he is fucking scary.

"You ready to see the rest of the house?"

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