Chapter 26

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A mighty roar of applause filled the outside, loud enough that it bounced off the walls. Tommy's cheer being loudest.

"Tommy, calm down" Wilbur ordered sternly, an annoyed look drawn on his face. He's still president, what the fucks wrong with Wilbur?

"Two nights ago a few days before this very election, after the announcement of Schlatt2020 and Coconut2020. Quackity made a deal with the leader of Schlatt2020, Schlatt to merge their votes no matter what happened."

"POG2020 got 45% of the popular votes. Meaning that the coalition government of Schlatt and Swag 2020 got 46% of the vote, one percent above. Making it the winning party!" Wilbur shouted, sounds of shock, happiness, sadness, anger, and applause filled the outside. Many sighs in disappointment can't change the fact that i won! Me and Wilburs little game? It's over.

And i won it.

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