Chapter 6

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"Yeah." i said putting my hands in my pockets and following him not exactly meeting his pace. I'm still unsure about this all. I glared about and saw George, his eyes widened as i gave a small wave and followed Dream up the stairs.

"This is my room." Dream said entering the first room on the right as we got all the way up the stairs, the room was big that's for sure. My mouth fell agape as i wandered around the room. A half open drawer made the spy part of me jump out, i reached to open it but my satisfaction was never met seeing as Dream clenched my hand looking at me with daggers for eyes. He was starting to hurt my hand so i tried to use my other to pry his hand off mine. He grabbed my left hand with his and raced toward the wall, pinning me to it my hand being leveled with my head.

I looked down. Close range isn't my specialty in fighting or just in general contact. "Don't go snooping." he said true anger in his voice, "Hell don't go stealing." he shouted letting go of my hands and slapping his to his legs then walking out. I sat there a bit shocked. Curiosity killed the cat. In this situation i'm landing on all fours and leaving his room.

Dream had seemed to have left downstairs so i'd just have to wonder i guess. What a great first day here!

I went into the room parallel of Dreams and found a blue room it was a bit smaller and less decorated. I'm also guessing it's not mine. I stepped out closing the door,

"What were you doing in my room?"

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