Chapter 12

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Tubbo gave Wilbur a thumbs up to let him know the microphone was working. Wilbur nodded and looked to Quackity, Quackity nodded as a symbol of telling him that he is also ready. The debate started and Tommy and i sat back as Quackity and Wilbur raced to answer the questions that Tubbo slowly read out. They flew through the debate and near to the end they gave their reasons on why they should vote their party. Quackity and i were first up.

I stood up and stood proudly beside Quackity, a few more glared made their was to me. I looked to Quackity as he spoke,

"I think you should vote Swag2020 because we are courageous and prideful, if not for us Wilbur would rule as such dictator again. He wanted to do this election to be fair yet, he kicked out his very own sister for wanting a say. Wilbur and Pog2020 is unfair and proves to be a dictatorship over and over again. Thank you and vote Swag2020." Quackity said reading off a notecard, people cheered and clapped as i looked around, Wilbur and Tommy had notecards? I didn't know i was supposed to bring one.

I stood up to the mic anyway. I would not back down. i placed my hands on the podium and spoke,

"Wilbur is one to stand with the pride he lacks. Like it's a debt and everyone owes him 'his' pride, i should know. I am after all his sister, Swag2020 in barley a few days has made me feel at home away from home. Wilbur, like Quackity said kicked me out for my opinion and Pog2020s people keep proving to be a dictatorship. Who's needs or wants a petty president? Vote Swag2020." i said as the crowd cheered and some who had glared now cheered, Quackity whispered to me "Did you just now think of that?" i nodded smiling.

"I didn't mean all i said but you owe me for making you idiots look better."

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