Chapter 24

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"Hi..." i muttered, keeping sharpening my sword. He sat beside me "Why'd you rush out?" he asked, sounding seriously genuine. "I feel guilty." i said finally admitting it, "Why?" he said looking to the stars, it was like old times just me and him and the stars.

"I shouldn't have impulsively left like that. But the way you reacted didn't do any good to the situation it made me want to stomp away more." i said setting my sword down, squeezing the rock waiting for it to burst. "Yeah it was quite wrong of you." he giggled, "Yeah, i guess we both made our mistakes there." i chuckled. Things are better than they've been in a while it feels nice to talk like normal agai- "I didn't make the mistake though." he said more serious sounding. There you go, fucking things up again. "Fuck you." i giggled under my breath, "What was that?" Wilbur said hearing me but attempting to make me laugh thinking i was joking. "Fuck you." i said with no laugh and stood up putting my hands in my pockets attempting to again squeeze the rock till it burst.

"What?" Wilbur said sitting still, he hadn't expected that. "You keep killing my soul a second at a time. Just when i think you can do no wrong you whip out your "I'm right your wrong," shit again. You keep fucking shit up, realize it or die." i said grabbing my sword and walking away, letting a tear or two fall down. But not out of sadness out of anger. Sheer and utter anger.

"Fine!" he shouted, desperate for me to hear his crys, i wasn't sure what he was going to do. Realize it or die, but in my book he'd be out of the way. This election i will win. Not because of my own selfish reasons but because,

I am not one to back out.

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