Chapter 21

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Me and Quackity stood up as he finally put out the cigarette on the floor and stomped on it lightly.

Since it was still early he agreed to go out shopping with me, we asked around to see what everyone wanted from the stores and made a list.

Grocery list-
George, glasses cleaners, stone for sword sharpening, bread, oranges, pillow.

Dream, arrows, flint & steel, tnt.

Schlatt, alcohol.

Quackity, pack of cigarettes.

We headed out to the shops, "I haven't got to fully look through this land." i said gazing about. Quackity chuckled "Yeah maybe because you only focused on that stupid Dream~" he dragged out the word into my ear. He spun walking toward the first shop.

We got Dreams arrows, flint & steel, and tnt. Then George's stone for sharpening his sword. We went to the next shop over witch had some basic necessities, alcohol and cigarettes.

Then we got the rest of George's stuff, glasses cleaners, pillow, oranges, and bread.

We were heading home before Quackity grabbed my sleeve pulling me behind the trees. "What is it?" i asked laughing, he looked to me shushing me. He looked terrified, i looked to where he flipped his head to look at. And of course it's the one, the only. Wilbur fucking soot.

Tommy followed behind glaring at normal citizens as Wilbur scared the citizens off with his sword. "Ugh." i groaned swatting Quackity off of me and immediately walking to Wilbur and comforting citizens i passed. "Oh as if it isn't the one and only." i said loudly stomping towards Wilbur, he side-eyed me noticing my voice.

He stopped abruptly startling Tommy a bit, he raised his sword to the crook of my neck. It scared me a little but i hid it and glared at the shining blade.

I grabbed the top and the bottom with my fingers being careful not to cut myself on it. Pushing it back i started "Why are you here." i said as he put his sword back into his holster, Tommy raised a scroll. "What time are you guys from there's such thing as books." i scoffed taking the scroll and opening it. It was the election scroll since the election would take place soon. It was rules and boundaries for the election, to be civil and whatever. I handed the scroll back to Tommy as Quackity walked out from behind the trees finally and Wilbur glared and the kept on their way.

I grabbed our bags with the stuff from the shop and walked behind them as Quackity apologized to the citizens for the scare.

We got to the castle and Wilbur, in front knocked. I scoffed and opened the door hauling the bags in. Wilbur and Tommy walked in after, "We've got visitors!" i shouted toward the stairs and walked to the kitchen. Setting the bags down a conversation between Wilbur and Dream started, about the election. Schlatt and Quackity joined in the said conversation seconds later, Tommy walked over to me as i sat on the couch.

He sat with me,

"Wilburs being weird now Y/n."

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