Chapter 90

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N/a: I think I've started reusing names. If you've noticed any please point them out so I can fix it in editing. I'm very bad with names and planning names... like the one thing I didn't do, because who needs names anyway?

Idina let Walker stay home from school too. She knew if they went out in the public the paparazzi would catch it and it would be all over the internet, but her backyard was vast. They had a picnic, played with the dog and babies. They had a small basketball game in the afternoon when the sun was still out. She laid on the grass and made out with her husband while her kids were occupied.

In the afternoon Walker called his grandparents. Idina read in the next room, paying attention to the conversation. Walker was just telling them about his week, how excited he was for the holidays. They mostly listened while he talked.

The PT meeting went fine. They were short. Erika was doing well. She seemed to have a bit of a grudge against a certain sub who had told everyone they needed to do their biology project with their actual family, not a fictional one proving they understood the material and Erika had turned in a family tree that consisted of nothing but "idk, they're dead" and "IDK, never met them/seen a picture. I think we're related like this but either way, they're crazy and I don't feel safe meeting them." It made Idina, and her actual biology teacher, smirk.

"Mom!" Walker called, pulling her out of her thoughts and book she wasn't reading. She was suddenly aware that Aaron was cuddling her, his thumb lightly drawing patterns on her skin.

She got up, planting a kiss on Aaron's cheek, and walked over to the dining room.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Walker was grinning; that was a good sign. Taye's parents waived as Walker got up and left. Unsure what to do, Idina just sat down where her son had been planted.

"How are you?" she asked. She plugged in some headphones so Walker would have a bit more trouble eavesdropping if he managed to avoid Aaron.

"Well," Marcia replied.

"We were wondering if we could talk to you," her husband said.

"Sure," Idina said. At this point, she had nothing against them anymore. For all she knew, Taye had gotten drunk that night he sent the text. It was awkward, but they could work past it. Walker was more important than her feelings. "What about?"

"Well, you probably heard, Walker wants to meet up," Marcia said.

"Yeah," Idina said.

"We'd like to see him too," she said. "It can be supervised," she added quickly, "we don't mind. We just want a good relationship with our grandson."

"I'd like that too," Idina replied honestly. "I'll have to talk to Aaron," she informed them. "He has equal say in these decisions now," she added. She wasn't going to lie to them that she was letting Aaron take on a larger role in Walker's life. Taye wasn't around to do it, end even if he were the kid would not stand for it.

"That's fair," Marcia said, making Idina feel more at ease. "How are you doing?" she asked.

"It's been pretty good," she informed her. "I haven't had any serious episodes recently. I'm certain it's all linked to stress, and the medication did make a difference. But just because they made it better doesn't mean they'll make it go away. Walk's been having a bit of trouble getting that. He still seems to think that if I get on a good treatment plan everything will be normal again. We're doing our best to keep things normal, but I have no control when or how any of my episodes happen." They nodded along while she spoke. Idina rambled quietly, not entirely sure what to say. She wasn't about to hash out every doctor's visit to them. Aaron was the only one privy to that, her parents and sister a close second, knowing everything save for the most intimate details. "We are planning..." she pulled out her phone and wrote Disney World on the notepad before showing them the screen. She wasn't about to spoil the surprise for Walker. "It wouldn't be too difficult to spend a few days in New York."

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