Chapter 27

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The next morning, Idina awoke to the smell of french toast and her husband gently shaking her awake.

"Mornin' beautiful," he said with a smirk.

"Aaron..." she said groggily, "What time is it?" He was never up before her.

"Early," he replied. "Here, I made you some coffee and breakfast in bed."


"Because I love you."

Idina opened her eyes, a smile already on her lips. Aaron was holding a tray with french toast, orange juice, eggs, a mug she assumed held the aforementioned coffee, and a vase with small blue flowers.

She moved over. He crawled in behind her and pulled the little legs down from the bottom of the tray so that it became a mini table on their bed. 

She leaned against him and smiled. She needed to do something nice for him. She'd been so caught up in everything going on with Erika she'd almost forgotten about the one who had been helping her through this. Something he'd enjoy. Not just sleeping with him, though they both enjoyed that...

"I'm sorry," she said.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said quickly.

"Let me finish," Idina said, her mom-voice coming out. "I know I've been ignoring you a lot lately, not to mention how caught up I got staying in New York, and I'm sorry I wasn't thinking of you."

"You're a mother Dee, and a bloody good one," he said in her ear, "You are always going to put Walker first, I knew that when I met you. I was prepared to come second. I knew the second you called about Erika that you felt the same way."

"But I made promised to you as well and I feel as if I've been breaking all of them lately," she sighed. He was so amazing, and she was lying to his face. She was keeping secrets from him. She'd never told him about the miscarriages because she'd decided she'd never have a kid with him and that she'd never have to go through that again. Even now she did not believe they'd have one. It was probably why she'd agreed to try. It wasn't her schedule, it was the impossibility of it all. She was a horrible partner for leading him on.

"We all slip up, god knows I have," he said. "And I'm so sorry for everything I've done or said to you." He could admit when he was in the wrong. Taye never did that. He knew how to treat her right. "And I will again in the future. We're only human." He squeezed her around her waist and she melted into him.

Her stomach growled and they both giggled. 

"Eat up," Aaron said. "Everyone else is asleep. If you wait too long you'll go back into mom mode and you'll ruin the moment." He grabbed the knife and started to cut into the toast, then skewered it with the fork and brought it up to her mouth.

She laughed as she took the bite. "You're getting syrup all over my face," she said.

"Oh, is that so?" he asked playfully.

"Yep," she said, turning so that he could see the sickly sweet syrup dribble on her chin.

He grinned deviously and licked it off, making her laugh, She tried to stile it, but the snorts that came out just made it worse. She could feel his chest heave as he started chuckling too.

"We're both pushing fifty," she snorted, "why do I feel like I'm seventeen and blackout drunk again?"

"Maybe you're hight on life?" he offered. 

She was right now.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" she wondered aloud.

He chuckled. "I have no idea, but whatever you did I'm happy you did it. Now eat up." He waved another bite below her nose.

Adopted by Idina MenzelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora