Chapter 95

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N/a: Sorry, I keep forgetting time exists. I wake up, watch Disney plus, do handwork, sleep, repeat. Also, I am splitting chapters to make them shorter so maybe I will get more of them out quicker.

Idina cradled Zephyr. Aaron said he had eaten from a bottle yesterday and she could try feeding him. She was too nervous to move him, but he seemed content, staring up at her and holding onto her hand. She hummed to him. He had already been changed and washed. He just needed food.

"We can spoon feed him too, Dee," Aaron said.

She shook her head. She just did not want to move.

Aaron came and took the infant from her, making him fuss. "Just a moment Zephie, mommy's going to sit down," he said to the baby.

Idina sat down in her chair and unbuttoned her top. Jane had already taken the other two downstairs. Aaron handed Zephyr back. "There," he said, kneeling and gently transferring his son to his wife's arms. "You're doing so well, Chickadee," he said, making her smile.

She grinned when the baby latched on. "He's hungry," she commented. "My little vampire, feeling better?" She cooed.

Aaron kissed her forehead. "I'm going to start breakfast for the other kids," he said. "See you downstairs?"

She took his hand and shook her head. "Can you stay?" she asked. "Zeph won't be long. I don't want to be alone with him, not yet" she pleaded.

He nodded in agreement. He stood beside her, rubbing her back.

When Zephyr finished, Aaron burped him and Idina ducked away. Burping him gave her too much anxiety. The baby did not start crying, but Idina would not say he looked particularly pleased.

Idina carried him downstairs. Walker was on his phone, sprawled out on the couch. She had heard the shower running, so that's where Erika probably was. The other two babies were in jolly jumpers, grinning. Jane was in the kitchen, and it smelt delicious.

Idina walked over and noticed she is making much more than a meal for herself. "Oh, you don't need to do that," she said. "If we need a chef, we can hire one." She did not want Jane to feel taken advantage of. She was a star nanny and Idina wanted her to stick around as long as possible. It would be better for the triplets, better for her. Better for the entire household if they were not switching nannies constantly.

"It is fine," Jane said. "You make me quite a few meals anyway."

"Well of course," Idina mumbled. She was a part of their family it seemed silly not to when they were already making food for four. But the jump from one to five was a lot more work.

"I don't mind," Jane said again. She held Idina's arms by her side. "Relax," she told her. "Spend some time with your children. As your nanny and advisor, I am telling you to spend some time with your children. You are a great mother." She stared Idina down with direct eye contact, making her nervous. Jane was only a few years older than Idina; she had not liked the idea of a nanny younger than her bossing her around, and their dynamic was different because of it. Sort of friends, though Jane was overbearing and motherly with her children out of the nest. Apparently, she had always wanted to do live in and figured now was her chance. Her husband could travel, and she did live in. They were living the empty nest dream.

Then Jane hugged Idina. Not expecting it, Idina tensed up for a moment. Recently she had gotten used to people not touching her, just leaving her, with the exception of cuddling Aaron at night. Idina melting into it, smiling a bit as Jane stroked her hair. Then the elder woman pulled away.

"I'm making pancakes, and don't worry, they're not dinosaurs and they won't be competing with either yours or Aaron's for best pancakes," she said. "You are going to have a wonderful morning with your beautiful children, ok?"

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