Chapter 4 - Pranks

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The next day I spent with Chuck figuring out all the pranks we could do. Alby said I can have a free day today to look around and to quote him "feel the glade".

We didn't do too much. Just walking around. He showed me more of the glade. The little forrest, the kitchen, all the secret spots, the showers, the toilets. Chuck was also free since he was a bagger. They didn't do to much. Just cleaned up everything. Which meant he had some time off.

I ate Frypans food which didn't have too much flavor in it. I quite liked it. Ofcourse they didn't get any spices, so they just used salt and pepper. I liked it though.

We saw the runners comming back and Minho's shirt was soaking with sweat. Dang... When I say I stared at him all the way he was running to the mapping hut. I meant that Chuck had to punch me in the arm to get my attention.

Chuck told me the runners get up at 6 to run in the maze just as soon as the doors open. Along with them wkaes up Newt, Alby, Frypan and a few other keepers.

So we decided to wake up at 5 to prank a few people. Hehe- evil laugh.

I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. I don't know how managed, but I did. I don't have a clock or something, and if I did it would have woken up someone else.

I quietly dress up with the clothes that came yesterday. It was sand color cargo pants, black combat boots with a knife holder. In the holder there was a dagger, I decided to keep it. Just in case... Anyways I put on a black crop top with straps and a dark green sweater over it, tugging a little bit of front into my pants.

After that I go downstairs trying not to make any sound. It was a bit hard since the floor is creaky. After a few minutes I finally was at the bottom.

I went to the kitchen and waited there. I sat down near the wall to the entry. A few minutes later Chuck came rubbing his eyes.

"Come on. Follow me. " I whisper standing up and going into the kitchen.
"So what's the plan again? My brain isn't functioning quite well yet." He asks me in a whisper voice.
"We need flour for Minho. We're gonna put it in his hair so it looks like he's old. Then Gally, we can dye his eyebrows purple with beetroot." I say with an evil grin.

"Your a genius." He yells/whispers.
"I know, now let's find what we need."
We found a bag of flour, a beetroot and cut it in half.

We quietly sneaked up to Minho's room. Since he's a runner he's gonna be up earlier. We open the door and see peaceful Minho, sleeping. An evil grin made an entrance to my face and I look at Chuck to see the exact same grin.

We sneak up to him. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, oh well I don't care. Well I do. He looks so cute. I just want to lay down next to him. But a prank is a prank. Nothing will step in a way of my plan.

We get the flour and pour it on his spiky hair. I rub it in a bit, messing up his hair. Shit that felt nice. We slowly go out of his room trying not to make any noise. When we are out of the room Chuck let's out his breath, that he was holding all the time. I give him a silent high five and start walking to Gally's room.

Before I walk in I put on a glove I found in Frypan's kitchen, so I won't dye my hand. Oh and we are going to put some dye on Newt's hands to frame him. As we walk in we see Gally sleeping and snoring a bit. I giggle quietly and walk up to Gally. Chuck hands me a napkin with the beetroot. I take thr half and put it on Gally's brows. After I'm done covering all his brows, I give Chuck the vegetable and walk out of the room.

"Last part. " I whisper smiling at Chuck. He just nods and follows me to Newts room. It's good that they all had rooms since they were keepers and stuff, because it would be a lot harder in the glade with all the boys around.

We walk into Newts room and quickly put some flour on the floor, on his face, in his hair and some beetroot juice on his hand so it would die it.

We walk out of the room and rush back to the kitchen. It's already 6 in the morning. We put back the flour.
"Good job. Now we were sleeping all night if anything. See ya in the later morning. " I whisper and walk off.
"See ya. " Chuck whispers walking of to his hammock.

I go back to my room and straight onto my bed. I fall asleep almost instantly. I was woken up around half an hour later by a loud scream. I sit up instantly and then it comes back to me. It's Gally...

I act normally, okay. I quickly turn my head to Skye, she did the same thing as me we quickly dressed up. I put on the clothes from this morning. And we rushed downstairs to see why there was screaming. Well I already knew but I had to act like I know nothing.

We see everyone just as confused as us. Minho runs downstairs. I see him and start laughing. He still had flour in his hair. Everyone looks at me I just lift my finger up barely, pointing it at Minho. Everyone looks up and starts laughing too. Minho is looking around confused.

"What! Why was someone screaming and why are you laughing?!? " He questions us.
"Oh it's nothing. But seriously who was screaming? " I say, stopping laughing.

Gally runs down, with a shocked face. You can see his purple brows.
"Oh my god. " I say quietly.
"Who did this!!! " Gally shouts standing on stairs with Minho, pointing to his brows.

The room bursts out laughing and that's when Newt walks down with painted hands and flour on himself.
"What's happening here? Don't you think it's too early? " He says rubbing his eyes.
"Oh wow what happened to your hair Minho and your eyebrows, Gally? " He aks finally understanding what's this all about.

"Wait what happened to my hair?!? " Minho shouts and looks at the mirror on the wall. He looks back at Newt with rage. Well I guess he saw the flour.

"You! " Minho says with pure rage.
Gally looks back and fourth between Minho and Newt. He then looks down to Newts hands anda sees.
"You! " Gally repeats the same thing Minho said.

Newt looks at his hands after noticing hes been staring at them.
"Wait. Wait. Wait. It wasn't me I-" He doesn't get to finish, as Gally runs to him. He starts running away and Minho joins Gally in chasing Newt.
Everyone bursts out laughing.

After a few minutes you can see how tired Newt was, but he kept running for his dear life. Alby then came and stopped them. I honestly don't know how he did that. It looked like Minho and Gally would have murdered Newt.

Then they had a meeting and decided that Newt is guilty. So he's now spending one day in the slammer.

Me and Chuck had a brilliant idea.
We're going to keep pranking people until we get caught. But of course we made rules and we talked to Alby about it.

At first he got mad about Newt being framed, but we managed to talk him out of punishing us instead and revealing our secret. After a lot of convincing he finally agreed with it since it made everyone, including him, smile. But with the rules, that we made. Our rules were fair and understanding.

1. No harm full pranks/ can't hurt anyone.

2. Can't prank Alby.

3. No snitching.

4. Team work. No mater what help the teammate.

5. 1 prank a week maximum.

6. No hair dyeing. (To be honest I wasn't really a fan of this one.)

7. Can't frame other people.

8. Can't bother anyone's work.

9. No pranks during work hours.

10. Always have to prank the greenie on the first day.

And that's our rules. I know it's only been 2 days since I came here, but we have to make things more fun around here.

And that was the begging of a bond and work that can never be broken.

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