Chapter 6 - Getting closer.

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Minho's POV.

I take a seat as Ben opens the door. I see Harley come in and take a seat next to me.
"Okay I will need you to put you leg on my lap. " She says softly.

I don't question it. I know she's just doing what she had to. I put my leg on her lap and she starts cleaning my wound very softly.

I was surprised that it wasn't painful. Her touch was very soft and elegant. Now I understand why everyone said she is very good at being med jack.

Her touch made me blush a little bit, but I kept my head down mapping out my section.

I saw Ben smirk and wink at me from across  the room. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued drawing.

"Okay I need to stitch this, so it might hurt a little." She grabbed some things and looked at me.

I just nodded. Since I already finished drawing my section, it's always the same, I decided to watch her.

She slowly starts stiching my leg up. To be honest the wound wasn't that big, but it was pretty deep. You see I managed to trip on a sharp rock. And the reason I tripped was her.

Yes her. She wouldn't leave my mind, I got distracted and then tripped. Well at least I'm closer to her now.

It doesn't hurt that bad when she does it. I had to get a stitch once and those boys made it hurt like hell. So I was happy that she was here.

I see Ben standing up, I turn my head to him following him out the hut with my eyes. He just smirks and leaves.

Now it's just  me and her left.
"When will I be able to run again? " I ask her as she finishes up my stitches.

"A day or two. " She says putting her stuff back.
I just groan.
"It's not that bad it's just a day or two. Consider it as a little break. " She smiles at me. At that moment all her sass was gone, all I could see at that moment is carrying, sweet, innocent girl.

"Well get some rest hedgehog. " She says standing up and putting my leg on the ground. She ruffles up my hair and goes to the door.

"Hey! You can't just leave me here. Remember I can't walk. " She was about to go out the door but then turned to me.

"I'm sure you can figure something out. After all you are the keeper of the runners. " She says winking sarcastically at me and leaving.
Damn this girl.

"No! Please!" I shout after her.
"Okay fine, just because you said please. " She pops her head out of the door.

I felt like a huge rock rolled down my chest. She cared. She didn't leave me.
I try to stand up, but wince as I step on my leg.

"Careful there hedgehog. " She comes to me and puts my arm around her shoulder and her hand on my side.

"Thanks." I say as we step out of the hut.
"No problem. Now come on let's go eat. " She says nudging me.

After about 10 minutes we finally reach the kitchen. She was pretty strong and helped me walk a lot. Shuck she practically carried me.

We walk in the kitchen and she helps me to the table. I see people looking at us, but I don't care, I'm injured.

She sits me down and goes to get us some food.

She comes back with two plates of food and sets one down in front of me. She takes a seat opposite me.

There weren't a lot of people, just a few gladers, since we came later everyone was finished or almost finished.

At our table was Alby he was already finished, but clearly was waiting for us.
"Harley, you will take care of Minho for a couple of days. But you will still have it try out some jobs. So Minho your gonna need to go to jobs with her. You can just sit around and watch. " Alby says standing up.

"Okay." Was all that Harley said. I just sighted and nodded.

Note (not important):

I don't usually make many notes because I don't wanna bother your reading. Just wanted to say that getting stiches really isn't that painful, so if anyone says it's inaccurate I really think it might be based on the doctor who does it. I got quite a few stitches near my eye and I barely felt it. I also don't have the best pain tolerance, so it's not like it didn't hurt because I'm strong or anything.

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