Chapter 5 - work

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After the little talk with Alby, I went to find Skye. Since Newt was in a slammer, (Evil grin)  Alby made Skye look up for me today.

I find Skye sitting by a tree, looking into nothing.
"Hey. I'm ready to work. " I say snapping her out of her daydream. I wasn't that type to just sit around and do nothing, I wanted to help.
"Oh hey. Yeah let's go. Today your working with med jacks. " She stands up and starts walking. I follow her to a hut

We walk in and I see two boys.
"Hey guys. Harley this is Clint and Jeff." She motioned towards the two guys.
"Hey." I smile at them.
"Hey." Clint smiled at me.
Jeff just smiled and nodded.
"Okay so I'll leave you to work. " Skye says going through the door.

Clint explained me the basics and told me what I needed to do. After the explanation one boy came in with a cut on his hand. It wasn't deep it just needed some cleaning to do.

"Okay you take this one. " Clint pushes me lightly to the boy.
"Okay let's see. What happens here? " I ask looking at the wound.

"Oh just cut myself on accident. " He says simply. I could see it was painful, but he didn't let it show much.

"Okay. Well it's not deep so just some cleaning and a bandage will be enough. " I say letting go of his hand and going to the sink with a cloth. I wet the cloth with some warm water and go back to the boy, to start cleaning up his wound.

I start by going carefully around the wound removing the dried up blood.
"Okay this might hurt a little bit. " I say, preparing to clean the wound.

He just nods and I start cleaning up the wound very lightly. After I'm done, I grab a big bandage and place it lightly on boys arm.

I look up at him smiling.
"All done. " I say helping the boy stand up.
"Thanks. You would be a great med jack. It didn't even hurt that much when you did it." He says going out the door. I just smile proudly. I knew he only said that in attempt to flirt. But I actually think I didn't do a bad job.

"Okay. So how did I do? " I turn back to Clint.
"Well you heard him. Your meant to be a med jack. " He smiles at me.
I was happy. I honestly enjoyed the work I was given.

Some time later. (Brought to you by yours truly Spongebob)

It was our lunch break. I honestly was surprised at how much the boys hurt themselves.

We all sat down at the table, I was sitting last night. It was only four of us there since Alby got some things to do, Chuck was working on our new prank, Newt is in the pit (I brought him food just about ten minutes ago.) , Minho and Ben are runners, so that only leaves me, Clint, Jeff and Skye. Skye was a track-hoe, so she has her lunch break like everyone else.

"You know, I'm surprised how the boys get hurt so much. " I say bitting out of my sandwich.

"Oh they don't. I think it's you. You know none of the boys cried today and some of them don't get hurt often. " He also takes a bite out of his sandwich.

My eyes widen at his words. Was I really that good looking or what? I haven't seen myself yet, so I don't know about that. Maybe they're just hormonal and I'm just one of the 3 girls that are here.

Skye and Jeff just giggle.  I roll my eyes.
"I don't think so. " I reply after taking another bite out of my sandwich.
"No. Clint is righ we never had this many people. " Jeff says giggling.

"So how do you like being a med jack? " Skye finally asks.
"I like it. I feel like I'm born to do it. "
"Yeah. Everyone said that your touch was so soft. " Clint adds. " I think you will be med jack. " I smile at that.

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