Meeting The Boy

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-Mono's P.O.V-

-in dream-

I looked up from my sitting position and saw I was in a hallway that seemed to be made out of different metals. At the ed of the hall, was a door, I got up and started to run towards it. It slowly opened but before I could see what was inside everything went black.

-after the dream-

I sat up with a loud gasp after waking up another nightmare. I've been having the same nightmare more than ever. I stood up and looked around. I appeared to be in a forest, an old T.V was right next to me. I showed a static like screen for a few seconds before turning off by itself.

'Well, it's probably best that I don't stay here for too long...'

I started walking in a random direction, just hoping I'd find someone to help. I saw some kind of gap, if I fell down into it, it wouldn't hurt, but something at the bottom was being swarmed by flies, so I think it might be best not to go near it.

Once across, I took notice of some kind of crate or cage under neath a tree. I quickly opened it and crawled through the hole that was there. Coming out of the other side, I saw, what I thought, was a huge bag full of dead bodies. Different limbs were sticking out everywhere. I gulped and continued walking.

'What or whoever's out here, they CLEARLY don't want visitor...'

-small time skip-

I had to crawl through another small tunnel, I had to push through the roots to get through the other side. Once I got out, I heard something starting to fall, I didn't want to turn and see what it was, so I started to run as carefully as I could down the hill. I was about to make it to the bottom when I saw the shadow right behind me. I jumped to get out of the way and landed on my feet before falling to my knees.

When I heard a loud crash, I turned my head and saw a tree trunk a few meters from me. I took a few deep breaths and stood up. My legs were a little shaky, but I got them under control.

I walked a little bit further and saw some kind of rope tied in an odd way hanging from a branch in a tree. A tree trunk wasn't far from the ledge where it was, and it was hallow. I walked in and up it to the ledge, noticed that there was another ledge with some crank of sorts.

'If I can run and jump at the right time, I might be able to swing off of that and land on the other side...'

I backed up a little bit, started running, grabbed a hold of the rope, swung to the side, and landed while stumbling a tad. Walking quickly to the crank, I looked at the box before turning to grab the handle.

-another time skip due to this taking WAY TOO LONG-

I walked up to the cabin and looked at the door. It was shut, and the handle was WAY too high for me to reach. Not too far from it was an open window, in front of it was a box that seemed small and tall enough to help me get into the window and whatever room was on the other side of the wall.

Running up to the box, I climbed onto it then climbed into the window. Every where around the room were bowls, pots, and pans full of rotting meat, flies were also everywhere.

'Who ever lives might want to clean up... Real soon...'

I hopped down from the counter and walked out of the room. I turned and started to walk right before I heard what sounded like a music box playing.

I turned and saw a door slightly ajar. I walked towards it, the closer I was, the louder the music would be. I peaked in the door before squeezing through. I walked down the steps as quietly as I could to make sure I didn't scare who ever was playing the music box.

The last two steps were broken to I dropped down and hit the floor a little bit. The music seemed to be coming from the right of me, so I walked over and saw a doorway blocked off. There were a few holes in the planks, so I peaked through one of the holes.

In the room, I saw a boy, maybe around my age, sitting in the middle of the room playing the music box I heard while upstairs. He had (h/l) (h/c) hair, dirty (s/t) skin, he was wearing a dirty and slightly torn (f/c) long sleeved shirt, and (s/f/c) shorts.

I turned and saw a knife sticking into a box, I walked over to it and tried to pull it out, only to pull the handle off of the blade. I sighed and looked at the door that was completely open. I stood up and headed into that room.

Once in the room, I looked around and found a hatchet in a box, it was too high for me to just grab and pull, so I had to jump up and grab it. It fell out of the indent it had made, and hit the floor. I picked it up and started to pull it towards the boarded up room. 

As soon as I was close enough, I raised hatchet above my head and hit the door. The boy stopped playing the music box and scooted under the table. I hit the planks a few more times before dropping the hatchet at the door and walking in.

As soon as I saw the boy under the table, I knelt down and looked at him, now that I was closer to him, I could see a bit more of him. He had bright/dull (e/c) eyes almost overflowing with tears. I extended my hand to him.


He moved forwards a bit to look at him, I motioned my hand as if telling him was safe to come out from under the table. He got a lot closer, he was a about a foot away from me in the light. I moved my hand a little closer to him as he was about to take it, but instead, he lightly shoved me to the ground as he ran past me out of the room.

"Hey! Wait!"

I stood up and quickly ran after him, once I got to the stairs, I saw him run through the door. I jumped onto the stairs and continued to run after him. Once I got through the door, I saw him turn the corner.

I sighed knowing I'd have to chase him a lot before he'd stop and talk to me... If he even could talk.

Continuing to run after him, I went into what seemed to be the dinning room and saw three different people that appeared to be full of stuffing sitting at the table.

The boy had just climbed onto some small bookshelf that wasn't far from the table, I followed pursuit and and climbed up after him. As I was climbing up, he crawl into a hole that looked like a vent.

I climbed in and fell onto the floor on the other side of the wall, where the boy was holding onto some kind of handle to open the stairs to the attic. I stepped closer as he fell. Both of us stood still as we looked at each other.

I looked up at the handle then back at him. He did the same before watching me as I walked a little bit closer to him. I waved to him as he looked me up and down. Probably looking for something that make me a threat to him. After a minute or two, he waved back at me.

I smiled under my bag and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Hi. My name's Mono. What's your name?"

He looked at my hand and lightly took it. His hands were cold, yet soft.

"I'm... (Y/n)..."


Well, well, well!

Seems like thing are going well for you two already! Minus the bit where you were scared of him... But other than that, things are going well!

We'll get the next part out to you guys ASAP!



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