Television Prisons

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(Hi! Note before this part in the story, we had to cut a few things out of this part to make sure it wasn't too long along with not too short... We also took two other music box's that we enjoyed the most for the tower bits... Sorry about that!)

-3rd Person P.O.V-

As Mono ran around town going through T.Vs and avoiding The Viewers, he got closer to the tower... And closer to his friends... He wanted to make sure they were safe, but he didn't know if what he was doing was the right thing to do in this situation...

The whole time from getting away from the Hunter to getting rid of the Doctor, he had people around him. They were there to comfort him, give his reassurance... Now... He was alone... Just how he started this adventure...

He was starting to think if all of this was even worth it... He lost his friends... He watched as they were taken, yet he did nothing... Even when he thought about giving up, he shook it off and continued on his way to get to his friends.

As soon as he got to the road right in front of the Tower, the Thin Man made himself known. Mono ran into and away from him a few times before this. The most recent one before this one, caused him to either get a very large and painful bruise, or break some ribs.

As he watched the Thin Man get closer, he could feel all of his anger, sadness, and determination mix into one big passion to save everyone. 

He looked up at the man while the man looked down at him. They both raised their hands and used as much power as they had to end one another. Mono came out on top after a lot of work.

He stood up from his kneeling position and booked it for the door of the tower. As we ran to the entrance, he felt as if somethings or some PEOPLE were in there calling for him to find them.

Just as he went in, he looked at the purple tinted room with floating toys, clothes, and other things. There were three doors right in the main hallway as he entered the first floor.

Two of the doors shut as he got closer to them, the only door that was open had a grey-blue light coming from it. As Mono got in front of it, he could hear a music box playing from it.

As Mono followed the noise, he took many turns, and a few different doors. A few of the doors he went through took him to a door that was further down the hallway from where recently was.

After opening one more door, he was greeted with a room that looked like one that would be seen in the school. There were dead bodies of the bullies, there heads were either broken or just gone completely.

In the center of the room was Alex. They had 'blood' all over them. Holding a hammer like the one Mono had, they turned and almost charged at him as he stepped on some broken glass.


He looked at his friend. Slowly a smiled spread onto both of their faces as they ran towards each other, embracing one another in a warm hug.

"I... I thought I'd never see you again! I-I-I, I tried going through t-the door... But it... It kept making me come back here..."

Mono pulled away from the hug to look at Alex as they started to cry.

"Don't worry, I promise... I'll get everyone out of here!"

They nodded to Mono as they left the room. As soon as they left, they got to the main room from the entrance. The door that Mono went through to get to Alex was now gone, only two doors remained. The second one opened up and a bright green light came from it.

When they went through, they found so many different doors. A few of them had water coming from under them. Alex and Mono walked to the first one and listened for the music. They continued going on until they did find it. 

Going through the doors while following the noise, they found Nova, half Siren, half human. It was an odd sight to say the least...


She raised her head slightly before it dropped onto the ground. There was a small layer of water on the ground. Enough to get your feet wet, but not enough to cover them completely.


Alex ran to Nova's side while sliding. Mono looked at the walls and saw the sea-weed, coral, and rocks that were building up. He quickly walked over to the two and helped Alex get Nova up.

"As much as I'm happy to see you again, we can't stay here if we're all planning to stay alive for the rest of our lives."

"That's the thing... I can't move my legs... I don't know if they're broken or if I just all control of my lower body..."

AS the rocks, water, and other things continued to make the room smaller and smaller, Mono quickly picked Nova up and ran out of the room with Alex. Once back in the main room, Mono set Nova down carefully on a chair that was near the ground.


"No problem! But we need to hurry! (Y/n) is still here somewhere!"

After a few minutes, Nova was able to move around again. Everyone made their way into the door that was shining with a bright (f/c) light. As they all made their way into the door, they weren't greeted by a room full of doors... Instead, it was a single stairs case going up a floor or two, to a single door.

The music box from the Hunter's house was playing everywhere.

Mono was the first one to go up the levels quickly, and when he did, he was running as if his own life depended on it. Nova and Alex soon joined him as he was running, but Alex stayed near Nova in case the girl fell to the ground.

As they all got to the door, Mono opened it swiftly and saw (Y/n). Sleeping calmly on a bed that seemed to be more comfortable than anything the group had slept on before.


The (h/c) male turned over and sat up rubbing his eyes lightly. When he looked at the door and saw Mono. He smiled in a tired way. Slowly sliding off of the bed and walked over to the male.

"Hi Mono."

Mono inhaled deeply before holding (Y/n) close to him. When the other two walked in, they smiled warmly after seeing that (Y/n) was indeed safe. Just as Alex was going to say something, they got interrupted by Nova.

"Mono... Are you taller than (Y/n) now?"

Everyone looked at Nova in confusion.


Nova looked at Alex before pointing at (Y/n) and Mono. When Alex looked at the males, the fact was true. Mono was now taller than (Y/n)... Which kinda cute to see.

"Huh... I guess things change."

Alex's eyes went wide in horror while pointing at something behind the boys.

"Like the wall looking like flesh and having an eye looking right at us?!"


Almost at the end of the main story!

One more normal part before we get the OCs back stories made those will come on the same in about a week or two.



We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now