Chapter One

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A blonde-haired woman was sitting at a desk, idly drumming her fingers on the desk as she overlooked a report. On the desk were multiple piles of paper, divided into what has been read and what hasn't. But a nameplate took center stage at the front: Premier Natasha Romanov.

Around the room, six women in Russian Guard Uniforms stood on guard, with an additional woman bearing the KGB insignia on her sleeves leaning against the wall, her gaze rather cold as she awaited the command of her Premier.

"Zhana! I have a list of targets for you." Natasha held the paper up, with Zhana walking forward to take the paper. "Convince them to swear loyalty to the reds, or exile them. If they resist, use force you believe necessary. Good luck, Comrade."

Zhana saluted before speaking. "Da Comrade Chairwoman! I will be done by the sunrise tomorrow." Natasha nodded as Zhana left, the Premier stood and walked to the window, taking a sip of coffee. "Hm..." Another woman walked in, wearing the Guards' uniform, yet had slightly more flair, indicating her rank as significant. "Ah, Comrade Katerina. How goes the training of the Armored Korps?"

The woman saluted before speaking. "Comrade Premier, training is going at a faster pace than expected. We should be ready for selections for the nationals." Natasha nodded. "Which is in three weeks. Good, Comrade. Intensify the training. From Dawn to Dusk if needed." Katerina nodded before leaving with slight grace in her step.

Natasha hummed before smirking. "I suppose I should train as well." She turned around before leaving the office, walking to the tank sheds. Several women rushed off, going to summon the crew for the IS-2.

The snow was falling softly before the shaking of the ground revealed five tanks driving forward, bearing the Guards insignia of the Red Guard. Leading them was an IS-2 in a White/Green bi-color, flanked by four T-44s in a white painting. Natasha was sitting in the copula, using the hatch as a stabilizing object. "We have five targets, direct front. We will fire on the move in a volley on my command." The formation slowed slightly to give slightly more stabilization for the gunners, as if they could.

"Fire!" The guns roared to life, the shells flying either short or far. "Load! Fire on my command!" Natasha ordered before giving a command ten seconds later. "Fire!" The distance traveled allowed for several of the targets to be hit, which brought a slight smile to Natasha. "Good.... Load and prepare to fire! Formation halt!" The formation stopped rather quickly, throwing the crews forward slightly inside the tanks. "Fire!" The guns roared again, followed a second later with the utter destruction of the remaining targets.

"Good, return to the garage!" The formation slowly turned to the left before falling into a column, heading to the garages.

Several Weeks later, Shensha-do Convention

Natasha walked with Katerina and Zhana flanking her, glancing around as they made their way towards the central amphitheater. Off to the side, the Anglerfish Team were enjoying a quick bite before Yukari looked at the three Russian women in uniforms similar to Pravda's. "Hey, it seems we have a new school!"

Miho looked over, slightly perplexed. "There wasn't an announcement within the Federation about a new school."

Yukari spoke. "Nishizumi-dono, they are the Izvestia's Womens Academy. They are similar to Pravda, but they are even more unstable than even BC Freedom! Though, them being here indicates that they are stable enough!"

Hana raised a brow. "Then why didn't the Federation inform the other schools?"

Mako, who was silent as usual, spoke up. "They were always apart of the Federation, but never showed up to selections." Everyone looked at Mako with a brow raised.

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