Chapter Five

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Zhana returned to Izvestia before entering the Premier's office. Natasha looked up from her economic reports before raising a brow. "You look like hell, Comrade." Natasha chuckled at the slight red in Zhana's cheeks. "And someone may have found love..."

Zhana composed herself before smirking. "While they are good at capture, they are poor at interrogations. But the information hasn't changed. Poor army training, with only Shermans to deal with on the armored front." The KGB nodded, concluding her report.

Natasha nodded before sighing. "Go to the hospital. Get fully checked out.... I don't want to lose a friend." Zhana cracked a smile before saluting, turning on her heel and heading out of the office.

"So.... you are the stereotype of America in Japan, Saunders? Let's see if you can match the people's will." Natasha sat down in the chair, leaning back.

At Pravda, Klara was in the school gym, boxing gloves, a tank top, and shorts on as she pummeled a punching bag hanging from the ceiling. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat, and the veins in her arms were apparent as she continued to send punch after punch.

A woman came walking in, with a letter in hand. "Comrade Klara, there is a letter for you." Klara shot a glare before sighing, removing her gloves before taking the letter, motioning for the woman to leave as she opened the latter and began to read it:


I am aware  of our rather violent past, but times change, and people change. Perhaps that can be applied to us. The Civil War is over, and you have found a home that is welcoming to you. Perhaps, before we meet on the field, we could bury the hatchet.

Natasha Romanov

Klara read and reread the letter before crumpling the paper before throwing it to the side. "Not yet.... Not until you renounce your stolen titles, Tsarina..."The former Red Guard spat before putting her gloves back on and resuming her assault upon the bag.

Back with the Ivestia Shensha-do Team, Katerina was shouting to the girls as they were transferring shells and fuel to the tanks present. "Move faster! We need to be able to move quickly! Pravda and Kuromuromine will not show any mercy to us!"

Natasha sighed as she walked onto the field. "Trying to make them into a true army?" The pair chuckled before Katerina saluted. "Simply put, we didn't have a basis for our Shensha-do forces! But, considering we are using the superior T-34s and IS-2s, Saunders doesn't have much in the way of a true armored force!"

Natasha sighed before crossing her arms. "Saunders has the best sniper known in Shensha-do, Naomi. Even a Firefly could penetrate the IS-2 if they hit the right spot. But... Nonna would give her a run for her money."

Katerina huffed before smirking. "Since this is Saunders... why don't we rush them? Most of their Shermans use HE shells almost exclusively." Natasha sighed as she looked at the training regimen, which was focused on formation fighting. "Besides, I'd rather face Saunders before the two big giants of the High School Shensha-do."

Natasha nodded. "Pravda and Kuromuromine. Speaking of which..." She fully faced Katerina. "I will be absent from the next match. You are in charge of our forces." Katerina nodded before saluting. "You will see victory long before you return, Comrade Premier!"

Natasha nodded before walking away. She may be the most powerful person in school, but even she needed trusted subordinates. The Premier of Ivestia entered an elevator before descending below the upper decks towards the main vehicle exit of Ivestia.

After a while, Natasha hummed before walking over to a car that was guarded by Red Guards(heh), whom nodded. "Madam, everything's loaded." Natasha nodded as she changed into a certain outfit, as well as holstering a Makarov Airsoft pistol.

" Natasha nodded as she changed into a certain outfit, as well as holstering a Makarov Airsoft pistol

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"Make sure there are no witnesses of this change

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"Make sure there are no witnesses of this change. Send them to the darkest, coldest parts of the ship." Natasha commanded as she got into a black car with tinted windows. The ladies nodded as they began to move in a sweeping pattern.

Natasha, on the other hand, drove in a determined manner, the cold not bothering the car due to being winternized. "Miss Klara... it's time to settle old scores..." Natasha mused as she looked into the back seat, seeing that the Red Guard provided her with an iconic weapon of Ivestia's KGB 'assassins', an Airsoft AK-74m.

In Pravda's officer dorms, Klara was looking over her weapons, particularly an Airsoft Mson-Negant. "Time for you to fight once more, old girl." Klara sighed as she put on her old Red Army Uniform and a Pravda Sash on her left arm and shouldering the rifle, walking out of her room and walking towards the exit.

Nonna opened the door just as Klara got to her, surprised at the getup of her friend. "Klara?" The blonde merely stared coldly ahead. "Klara, what is going on?" The Blonde remained silent before speaking. "Old Grudges will be settled tonight..." She brushed bast Nonna, who was concerned before entering the dorms, heading to the nearest phone.

Klara walked into central square, her rifle in hand as she looked across the square, planning to make the 'Red' part true tonight...

Klara walked into central square, her rifle in hand as she looked across the square, planning to make the 'Red' part true tonight

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Yep.... I'm back with this one! And is now the focus, outside of the Task Force Anomaly Crossover! Hope you enjoy!

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