Chapter Three

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The sounds of rumbling broke the still quiet of a desert-like battlefield. Japanese tanks rushed forward in a Banzai-like charge towards a Russian formation. The formation, in turn, counter-charged, firing as they went. Before long, the two forces were intermingled, firing point blank into each other. The casualties mounted from the battle before the thunder of 122mm guns roared, slamming into the mass indiscriminately.

Natasha looked on with mild amusement. "Good job, Zhana. Despite their attempts to reform, they are still prone to charges." The voice of the KGB officer came through, laughing as she enjoyed the carnage she was in the middle of. "Ha! We will have this victory in the bag in no time! We will-" Her radio went out as she was knocked out.

Natasha frowned. "Got too carried away, Zhana... Fire away!" The 122mm fired again, slamming into Nishi's tank, disabling it and winning Izvestia the match.

Zhana looked out of her turret before looking up at the Red Guard's position. Her observations of Natasha's face and body language revealed nothing. Truly our Premier.... No emotion, even over a victory.

Natasha took up the comm and ordered everyone to return to the ship, not wishing to linger around any longer than necessary. After all, she has several missions to authorize.

Later that evening, a floofy woman made her way through the lower decks, looking for a hatch above. The people down here didn't really bother to stop her. That was the KGB's and Red Guard's job, not theirs. They never fought for either, so why should they care?

The woman looked around, noting the horrible conditions before making her way to a service hatch and climbed up the ladder within. But unknown to her, several KGB agents were tailing her before they radioed in the service ladder's location before assuming a post at the bottom of the ladder.

At the top, as soon as the floof opened the hatch, four KGB officers took hold of her before bringing her to the main office building, the floof struggling to escape.

Natasha was with Zhana before a KGB officer rushed into the office. "Comrades! We have captured a spy! We haven't begun questioning yet." The two women nodded before following the KGB officer to the holding area.

When they entered, the KGB agents had tied down the floof firmly with rope and were standing next to her. Zhana stepped forward before kneeling down in front of the floof. "You are now in the custody of the KGB. Cooperate, and you will be ok. If not... we will start taking measures to make you talk."

The floof shouted. "That's illegal! You can't do that!" Zhana chuckled. "Spying is legal, and guess what, in that section, the spy, if caught, cannot invoke the law short of actual death. Now, who are you and who do you work for?"

The tied up woman shouted again. "I won't tell you! Not even the NKVD is this tough!" Zhana looked to Natasha, who left to observe from a one-way window. "Right..." Zhana smirked before walking behind the floof before reaching around the girl and groped on of her breasts. "What's your name, hm?"

The floof squirmed as she was basically being violated before biting her lip. "N-no..." Zhana smirked. "A fighter, hm? Girls, leave us. I have some personal business to attend to..." The KGB officers nodded before leaving, joining Natasha.

-Lemon Warning!-

Zhana chuckled. "I think you will enjoy and talk, miss..." Zhana continued groping the floof before slipping a hand down the trousers of the tied woman, grazing the womanhood of the floof.

"Y-yukari..." Yukari moaned out before Zhana blew on Yukari's ear, making the woman gasp before the KGB officer undid the buttons on the uniform Yukari used to infiltrate the school, revealing a plain white sports bra. "My my... someone was expecting some sort of capture..." Zhana whispered before slipping both hands into the bra, groping Yukari's breasts and toying with her nipples, drawing imaginary circles on the erect nips.

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