Chapter Six

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Klara looked on through the Red Square, the wind blowing snow into her face and making her hair flutter in the wind. Her Pravda sash waving slightly as her uniform was forced against her body, her rifle getting colder by the minute. But the Russian showed no signs of being affected by the cold.

Off to the side, Nonna and Katushya, along with a squad of NKVD officers looked on, with airsoft revolvers tucked away. "Nonna, why is Klara like this? Why is she just standing in the Red Square, armed with a rifle and having the school's Sash on her arm?"

Nonna looked on, concerned before humming. "She must be awaiting someone. There is no other explanation." Katushya raised a brow. "Well... she could at least tell us who she is waiting for..." Nonna remained impassive before subtly pointing towards an approaching figure. "Look."

The figure was fully covered, her identity hidden. But she was armed with the replica AK-74M, and had a pistol on her hip. Klara narrowed her eyes before unsholdering her Mosin-Negant, aiming it towards the approaching woman. "Hiding behind the Balaclava, Da? Can't show your face, in fear of being jumped?"

The figure smirked before reaching up to pull the Balaclava off her head, revealing the Premier of Ivestia. "Only to get  this far, Klara. I'm aware that you have made this your home." Klara only glared before Natasha continued. "But... something tells me you have the People's Fire in you and wish to unleash it on the one person who you blame: Me."

Klara frowned. "What are you getting at, Premier?" Her irritation apparent as she began to put her finger on the trigger. Before she could pull it, Natasha placed her AK on the ground, along with her pistol before she began to walk forward. "I know you want to beat the shit out of me, and quite honestly, I'm a masochist. Shall we bury the hatchet here, Comrade Klara?"

Klara lowered her rifle before setting it down on the snow covered ground before walking forward. "So, you wish for me to beat the shit out of you until you renounce your stolen titles, hm, Natasha?"

The brunette chuckled before smirking. "The last time we did this, we were both in the hospital." Klara smiled slightly. "That was a good time. But enough of that." The two nodded at each other before rushing forward, sending multiple jabs towards each other before Klara managed to get behind and wrap her arms around Natasha's waist and suplex her into the ground hard.

Natasha groaned as she rested on her face before scrambling up and sending multiple hooks towards Klara, whom blocked the blows expertly. But what the Pravda woman wasn't expecting was a knee to her crotch before her face was brought down into said knee with enough force to daze the woman.

Natasha capitalized on the moment and tackled Klara to the ground, forcing her down face first and pulling on of her arms back in such a way that forced Klara to either concentrate on keeping her face up, or try to break the hold.

Natasha smirked before reaching around Klara's waist and cupped her opponent's left breast, causing Klara to yelp in surprise. "My my... still firm as always, Klara..." She unwittingly loosened her hold, to which Klara took advantage of.

Natasha received a headbutt to the face before a tackle from Klara, who began to send hook after hook into her face. But the punches themselves seemed weaker than what Natasha felt before. It still hurt, but Natasha began to grin as Klara stopped, panting heavily. "Had enough?"

Klara, whose face was completely red as the Pravda flag, responded before kissing Natasha firmly. "Mmph!?" Natasha was certainly surprised as she suddenly tasting iron as Klara forced her tongue into Natasha's mouth before she returned the kiss with equal ferocity.

Off on the 'sideline', the Pravda women were looking on in absolute confusion. These two were heated enemies and came to blows the last time they met at the Shensha-do Convention. Now they are basically making out in the snow covered Red Square?

Flashback - Three Hours earlier

Klara sighed as she pushed around the food on her plate, with Nonna looking on in mild concern. "What was the letter about, Klara?" Nonna decided not to beat around the bush, which earned a growl. "Natasha wants to bury the hatchet. And I'm not inclined to do so. I... enjoy the violence too much."

Nonna raised a brow before noting Klara's slight tint of red. "You love the flesh on flesh combat? Sounds like you are a masochist yourself." Klara frowned before taking a bite of her food. "I'm not. I enjoy the challenge that Natasha always gave up."

Nonna raised a brow. "I give you a challenge when we box. Yet... there's something more to this than pure enjoyment of a challenge..." Klara's face heated up before frowning. "I do not know what you are talking about."

Nonna sighed before returning to her food. "I won't press you any further."

Flashback ends.

Nonna sighed. "She's simply a masochist." Everyone looked over at Nonna before returning their attention to the pair in the Red Square.

After a heat moment of passion, Klara and Natasha got up before nodding to each other. "Klara, if you wish to visit... try to find the Premier's personal chambers." Natasha and Klara blushed slightly before Natasha walked away, reaching down to pick up her weapons. "See you~"

Klara nodded before she walked back to the dorms, with the NKVD following both women from a distance.

On the Ivestia, Katerina was working with the KGB to sweep the school, looking for both 'insurgents' and spies. Katerina herself was leading a squad before she noticed someone in black and red trying to break into a backdoor of the Tank Hangar. She motioned for the KGB to take up position before she unholstered her pistol and walked silently behind the woman.

The brown haired woman was focused on picking the lock, and thus didn't notice the approach. However, the barrel of a gun as well as the sound of a hammer being pulled back made her freeze. "Stand up. Slowly." Katerina commanded, to which the girl complied, standing shakily on her feet. "Turn around."

The girl did as she was told, seeing the one who foiled her break in. Katerina smiled 'innocently' as she spoke. "Now, why would someone from KMM be here, hm? What's your name, lady?" The brown haired woman was unnerved before nodding. "M-m-my name's Koume. I-i-i-i command a Panther." Katerina hummed as she lowered her gun, making a hand motion. Four KGB officers came up. "Well, Ivestia will definantly give you the welcome you deserve, spy. Please enjoy yourself, for it will be better and quicker if you did, Miss Koume."

Koume paled as she was taken away by the KGB officers, with Katerina humming. "Shame I won't be doing it myself. She was cute in her surprise after all." The General walked on through the alley, on the hunt for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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