Chapter Four

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Zhana, dressed in a Saunders uniform, boarded the schoolship, the Nimitz, in a brisk manor, as if she was really late to class. "Damnit..." She bumped into several 'MPs', who glared at her. "Where you rushing off to? School started three hours ago!"

Zhana blinked before fidgeting. "I overslept after partying all night!" A lie, but having to traverse the country in one night would sell it. The MPs glanced between each other before sighing. "Just accept the absence. The professors will send you the assignments anyways. Now run along."

Zhana nodded before running off in the opposite direction, diving behind a corner before letting out a sigh, catching her breath. Too Close.... She recomposed herself and entered Plan B mode: Stealth and Infiltration. The KGB officer waited for the two MPs to move out of the area before resuming her approach to the school grounds.

Her abilities as an agent allowed her to remain hidden from MPs, who, in her eyes, were extremely sloppy. She slowly made her way to the Armory and began to pick the lock. "Really... just a simple key? Not a coded lock?" Zhana muttered under her breath before removing the lock, slipping into the armory quietly.

She turned around before being met by four gun barrels. "I suppose that I can't just leave, can I?" Zhana mused before Alisa stepped forward. "Your accent gave you away. Now, are you Pravda!" The twin-pigtailed woman shouted before two of the MPs present took Zhana by the arms and let her to a room.

Kay and Naomi were on the opposite side of the one-way window, peering in as the MPs sat Zhana down in a seat before leaving the room, leaving her with Alisa. "I must say, you lack security where it counts..." Zhana taunted before Alisa slammed her hands on the table. "Who do you work for!"

Zhana closed her eyes, calmly responding in Russian. "Иди к черту, короткий стек. Похоже, вам нужно выпустить сексуальный пар."(Go fuck yourself, short stack. Looks like you need to let off some sexual steam.) Alisa closed her eyes. "Speak English, woman. Or I'll come over there and make you!"

Zhana snorted. "Someone's a bit pretentious. You won't break me." Alisa frowned before looking at the window before walking to the other side of the table, placing her hand against the chair and getting into Zhana's face. "I will make you speak, and you will hand over any information on your school, NKVD woman."

Naomi and Kay watched the encounter, with Kay showing more disinterest than Naomi. "I'm going to go look over the tanks one more time, in case she infiltrated before and sabotaged  anything." Naomi nodded as Kay left, probably to just get away from the scene.

Alisa was having a stare-down with Zhana, whom wasn't even breaking a sweat. Alisa broke first, her patience not really known to be normal. "Damnit!" She sent a left hook into Zhana's cheek, sending the KGB agent to the ground, who began to laugh. "What's so damned funny?! It's not going to be funny once I beat the shit out of you!" She then proceeded to kick and punch Zhana relentlessly, bruises and busted lips formed from the beating.

Naomi, having had enough, entered the room. "That's enough, Alisa." Her voice was dangerously low. Alisa wasn't listening, and Naomi knew it. The taller tomboy walked up and pulled Alisa off. "I said 'That's enough'!" Alisa blinked before leaving, no doubt to let go more steam.

Naomi looked down at Zhana, who was bleeding and spat blood onto the floor. "Going to continue where she left off?" The agent glared. Naomi shook her head before pulling the agent onto her feet. "No. I'm patching you up." Zhana blinked before nodding, being half led, half pulled by Naomi towards the medic.

Zhana was sat down as she was tended, rather poorly, but the bleeding was stopped and the KGB agent was given some pain pills. "So... what brought you to Saunders? You are clearly not from the ship." Naomi asked as the medic left.

Zhana sighed, leaning back. "Alisa was close to the truth on my school. But, her interrogation techniques are rather sloppy." Naomi chuckled before sitting down next to Zhana. "Well, what is your name?" "Zhana." "Naomi." The pair shook hands before Naomi continued. "Well, Zhana, I won't force you to tell me why you're here, nor who you serve. I can guess that." Zhana raised a brow. "Well, Zhana, what do you see in Saunders? Apart from our army, of coarse."

Zhana blinked before sighing. Too friendly... or is it because Alisa is the 'bad cop', or is she actually... interested? "I see a system that is inherently flawed, but I do not sense fear like it is back at home."

Naomi hummed before chuckling. "Why is that?" Zhana looked Naomi right in the eyes. "Because of the constant conflict that only ended when my faction took control and exiled those who resisted to the more hostile areas of our ship." Naomi nodded before smiling, leaning forward. "You can always come here. We accept all transfers..." Her voice was slightly sultry, to which Zhana picked up on. "My my... even with such an alluring offer, I must decline.... but let me give you a reward for the offer..." Zhana kissed Naomi, the latter smirking and returned it briefly before pulling back.

The pair smiled warmly before Naomi stood, offering her hand. "I'll escort you off the ship." Zhana smiled before taking the hand, nodding. "Thank you." The two left the medic tent and made their way off the school grounds. But not before Alisa noticed the pair.

"Where do you think you are going?!" Naomi scowled. "She is heading home. And you will do well not to interfere." Alisa was taken aback. Why was NAOMI of all people helping a spy. "Why?!"

Naomi sighed. "Because you would have never broken her. Plus, despite being offered a place here, she refused." Alisa frowned before Kay placed a hand on her shoulder. Alisa knew that Kay learned about what happened, and wasn't happy.

Zhana smiled gratefully before nodding to Naomi. "I can take care from here. Good luck, Naomi." Naomi smiled before nodding. "Don't let me catch you on the field, or I might not be able to keep my hands off you." The pair chuckled before Zhana smirked. "Dasvidaniya, Naomi." Before anyone could ask anything else, Zhana shed her uniform before jumping overboard, and into the warm waters below.

Everyone present was dumbfounded before Kay got their attention. "Alright, get mack to what you were doing. Alisa, Naomi, we'll talk." Alisa nodded weakly, with Naomi giving a slight shrug.

As Zhana climbed into a rubber dinghy, her fellow agent noted the slight warmth. "What happened, Comrade?" Zhana shook her head. "I do not know for certain, Comrade, but I do know the layout and equipment of the enemy." The agent nodded as Zhana was consumed by her thoughts. Did she help me because she saw me.... perhaps these feelings are love? Or something more... deep?

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