Izvestia's Red Organizations

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The People's Office of the Premier: The overall governing organization of Izvestia, the Office of the Premier is responsible for issuing decrees and laws aboard the carrier and provide leadership. The People's Office of the Premier replaced the People's Council, providing a more decisive leadership than its predecessor.

Committee of State Security(KGB): The KGB is the Secret Police of the Red Guard, tasked with exposing and eliminating political opposition. This includes exiling to the harsher parts of the ship, expulsion from the school, or forced conscription into the Red Army. The KGB is responsible with intelligence gathering on opposing schools, and counter-intelligence to prevent intel leaks to rivals.

Red Guards: The Red Guards is the Best of the Best of the Armed Forces of the Red Army. They only answer to Party Leadership, and are loyal to the end. The Infantry are well experienced, and heavily specialized in Urban Combat, with the Armored Korps using the best Soviet Armor allowed under the Shensha-do Federation, and specialized in open field combat.

Red Army: Made up of volunteers and conscripts, the Red Army is a rather green force, having faced not only purges, but also the brunt of the fighting before the rise of Natasha's government. They have more affinity to the snowy fields than anything, a place where their numbers would end up mattering more. The armored forces of the Red Army employs similar tactics to the infantry, using open fields as a way to take advantage of their numbers.

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