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Not Helen Park and Lazar Azoulay having sexual tension in the safehouse be like... 
Also, there's a warning for mentions of the word "sex" and hints of smut 😏

Lazar: Can't keep your eyes off me, huh, Park?

Park: Maybe I just can't get enough of you eating takeouts like always. 

Lazar: Oh please, they're the best. 

Sims: I know what this dude thinks about Park, don't worry. 

Lazar: She's a true professional, I respect her quite a lot. Right, Bell?  

Bell, hiding in the corner: *silently* I know they're only 4 years apart from each other but Lazar looks like he can be her "daddy". 

Later on... 

Bell: Why does the room smell like uhm... sex? 

Sims: I don't know, did one of you guys ate fish or something else with a strong odor? 

Hudson: Why do you have to ask me?

Adler: *smokes on his cigarette* Someone is either eating a stinky food or did a nasty job right in the warehouse. 

Woods, munching on a sautéed onion: Onions are the best! *chef's kiss*

Mason: Nope, only Woods is eating food right now so that means...

Lazar and Park: *nervous laughter* 

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