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🚪Garroth pov🚪

It's been about almost a year since we all have been home sadly only travis has came home it seems aph is still in I'mmense pain it make sense since her heart barely had a bandaid on it that along with how much she was thrown around she's probably having a broken back, a concussion, a broken hip, her legs broken and adrenaline still had her going the entire time. "I feel really bad and I don't remember she said back then she was pregnant too just only a couple weeks. "Toby said she just had birth recently it's two girls one is older than the other by a few hours. "I'm  happy still no luck on Aaron's memory he remembered his old pet alexander and who his sister is but everything else nothing ... He doesn't deserve this... Oh then me I keep having nightmares everyone does well except laurance and dante. Travis and Katelyn just recently had a kid they named her kelly oh and kc and kc had their first son they named him souta. But kc got pregnant again a week ago jeez my brother that's ok they're married now so it's ok. (THATS ME BOYS IM BORN IM SORRY I HAD TO🤣) Lastly I finally confessed to laurance so now we're dating it's made me the happiest I've been in a while I'm glad. "Babe are you doing that thing again where you think of all that's happened?" "Yeah sorry..." Life is perfect with him I hope to keep it like that. I smile as I get up walking over by him." Smiling. "This is home for me...

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