The Hand Towel

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I am a hand towel. Everyday is the same for me. I sit there on my hook, waiting for somebody to wash their hands.

My life is a cold damp one. And I mean literally. Cold and damp.

Humans use me to remove the wetness from their hands. Where does it go you ask? If goes on me and stays on me.

Like most of my kind I live in a bathroom. Hanging in the same place all day everyday. It's so boring! The only excitement I get is when I try to escape by falling off the hook I'm on. But that never works. Whenever a human sees me where I shouldn't be they grabs me, lay me out and hang me back up again! Like how would you like it if I grabbed you by your shirt and hung you on as hook all day everyday?!

And the worst part is they don't even say thank you! They sit on the toilet for however long, wash up in the sink, then they wipe their filthy human hands all over me! And what do I get for it?! Nothing! A simple sorry, or even thank you would be appreciated. But no. It's all about them. They just can't handle having wet hands for a few minutes. They have to dry off on me.

Sometimes I feel so used.

At least the humans care about my personal hygiene. Whenever I start to smell funny or start to become damp enough they can't dry their hands properly, I get to be cleaned. They take me off the hook and I'm put in a big metal box. Then after that another big metal box. And each time I'm shaken around like a bottle of shaving cream.
I wonder why but all I know is I'm clean afterwards. Clean and warm and it feels great.

But then after that it's back to the old hook.

It all makes me wonder, what the heck goes on inside a human's brain? Why would you hang me up when there is clearly plenty of space on the counter? Why don't they dry off on themselves?

And why are they so ungrateful? I mean they should thank me for all I do for them. They would be lost without me. Without me, the world would fall. Because that's how important the little hand towel, on a hook in your bathroom is. And that is how I feel about my life.

So take that humans!

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