The Bed

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A/N: Thanks to R5Babe for the idea of this one! Be sure you go and follow her! She has tons of great stories that you should really check out!😂😊❤️


I've got it good. It can get pretty boring at times but life is good.

There are some downsides to being a bed. Especially a child's bed.

Kids can't sit still. Throughout the night they wiggle and squirm. You'd think they were constantly having nightmares.

The worst part of my life is when the kid gets a little too relaxed if you know what I mean.

I mean when a kid wets the bed. It seeps into my mattress and will be there for the longest time. It REEKS! All night long. Kids these days.

And that's not even the worst that could happen. The worst is when a child gets sick and vomits on me.

Think of what it smells like when I get soiled and imagine it ten times worse. It is an awful experience. If I had a throat I would gag.

But those are only the bad parts of being a bed.

When a child is young, they hate you. They think that you are the biggest party pooper there is. But as they get older they start to appreciate you more and more. And when their in the teen years, they LOVE you. They enjoy you so much, they are constantly on you. Whether it be on their phone during the day, not Louise sleeping on you at night, or refusing to leave you in the morning.

It's good to be a bed. Just sitting there all day, giving people rest, keeping them comfortable.

I have I great compared to the toilet.

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