The Mirror

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A/N: Thanks again to xstoriesxxx for this one. 😆😊❤️


I am a mirror. And I have seen a lot of things.

Mainly girls. They have to look perfect. I think your beautiful. You don't need to become Barbie. First put this on my face then this then this. It's sad.

Girls also get their phones and take selfie after selfie in me. Wow look at me I'm glamorous. Look it's me holding my phone. And me holding my phone again. Like do something productive

The best part of my job is when people do goofy things to themselves in me. Pretending to be a pop star, dancing, you name it. And I get a real kick out of it.

What they don't realize is that I am always watching them. I see everything they do.

I see you when your sleeping. I know when your awake.

I see when you get dressed for school and put on makeup to be fake.

I'm weird. When you move the things you see in me do to.

And the weird part is I'm made of sand. Like what even?!

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