The Pillow

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I am a pillow. When you hear my name you think soft, squishy and comfortable. When I hear my name I think drool, snot and bacteria. People are so gross!

Everyone drools in their sleep. Everyone. And it's sickening. Living with it until you get changed!

How would you feel if I just licked you while you read a book?

Or while you ate dinner?

Just wet gross saliva, all over me, all the time.

The other thing that is worse then spit is snot.

Every now and the there comes a cold. A cold that makes the humans gross and snotty. They leak in their sleep and it gets all over me. And when they realize it it's too late. It has already dried crusty to me. Why are people so gross??

But my job isn't to keep your drool. My job is to keep you comfortable while you sleep. I rest and elevate your head. And I'm ok with that.

I make my life sound horrible but the truth is, I've got it good.

I get to lie on a bed, all day, everyday. Relaxing is what I'm good at. It's all I do.

And then at night when I'm slept on I get warmed up by the head that is resting on me.

I'm here for you. To keep your neck safe, to keep you cozy. Without me, life would be a lot more difficult.

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