It's been a while

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Dear reader,

It's been five years since I've touched this story, and I just want to say thank you to everyone for continuing to enjoy this story that I started writing when I was like 14.

I'm writing this chapter so you guys know that I'm alive and that I will most likely never write any additions to the Elisa story. Not because I hate writing, but because I'm well into my third year of university now and that's extremely time-consuming. I also haven't watched attack on titan since before season 2 was aired, but I'm rewatching it now coz it really is a great anime.

I've redownloaded the Wattpad app so maybe I'll try to answer messages as best as I can, but no guarantees that I'll remember anything about the writing process.

For those interested, I'm in my third year of a psychology degree, and I'm turning 21 pretty soon(wow I'm getting old).

Anyways, thank you all again for enjoying this little book I made.



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