Chapter 3: The Pool

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Audelia prepared herself as the water came closer, but the cold surface still caught her off guard as she dove into it.

Once she was completely submerged, she started to thrash her body around, looking for which way was up. However, as the water became clouded by her blood and her dress began increasing in weight, she found herself struggling to swim.

She flailed her limbs around, but the exhaustion from earlier was beginning to overrule the adrenaline. It wasn't long before Audelia grew too tired to fight.

So, completely out of energy, she ceased all movement allowed herself to start sinking through the water. Her back hit the bottom of the pool, and she closed her eyes, hoping to stop the stinging.

Her father once told her a story about a soldier who began to drown in front of him. Her father said that the moment he saw the man starting to give up, he jumped into the water after him. But once he was in the water, he looked upon his face and could only see peace.

So, he left him to sink deeper into the murky water, believing it to be merciful to let him die in peace rather than saving him so he could continue fighting in a bloody war.

But, the moment Audelia's body started to crave oxygen, she knew that that man was never at peace. Her head screamed at her before beginning to punish her for not providing it with oxygen. Waves of intense pain shuddered through her body, and her lungs started to burn holes in her chest, to the point that Audelia had no choice but to open her mouth to let out a cry.

But the moment her lips moved, all that happened was water rushing into her body. She felt herself dying, but there was nothing she could do.

His body landed in the water gracefully. His eyes peeled wide open as he searched the water to see where the Princess had gone. The water was a murky red, but he eventually spotted the Princess resting at the bottom of the pool.

He quickly started to cut through the water, desperately clawing his way towards her until he could grab her arm. The moment she was in his grip, he yanked her from the water and laid her upon the grass next to the pool.

He instantly started CPR, and when her eyes didn't immediately open, the panic set in. "I did not come all this way for you to die in front of me!" He yelled out, pushing hard enough into her chest that he thought she'd break in half.

But once beads of sweat started to form on his forehead, water suddenly spewed from Audelia's mouth like a fountain.

He let out a sigh of relief and fell back from her, allowing his back to hit the ground as he let himself rest.

Audelia coughed for a few moments as air slithered its way back into her lungs. "I'm alive?" She whispered to herself as she stared down at her hands, not truly believing she wasn't dead.

"You're welcome." The man begrudgingly replied.

Audelia visibly jumped at the sound of his voice and quickly turned her head to look at him. She was almost impressed by his dedication to her as her eyes drifted up and down his body. She noticed how his clothes were now as soaked as her own, and that his brown hair was now slicked back from the pool water.

"I'm not thanking you." She said quickly as she attempted to stand up.

However, she quickly found that her weakened body could not hold up her own weight as she crumpled back to the floor.

She dropped her eyes to the floor to avoid making eye contact. Audelia felt her cheeks reddened with embarrassment, and she hoped the man hadn't seen.

"Do you have a death wish or something, Princess?" He asked, oblivious to her embarrassment.

Audelia narrowed her eyes at him and watched as he slipped his right shoe off his foot to pour the water out of it. "Well, why did you save me? Murderers are just supposed to murder, no? Stepping a little out of your comfort zone here."

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