Chapter 6: The Reminder

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"Get off of me, you insolent prick!" Audelia screamed as loudly as she could into Flynn's face.

He let out a laugh and brushed the whole situation off as he picked himself up. "We might as well carry on our journey now, it's almost day anyway."

Audelia wasn't listening to him, however, she could only think about how she had wasted her one chance of getting away.

"What? No bitchy comments left in you?" Flynn laughed to himself, finding his own jokes hilarious as he began untying the horse from where she had disguised herself behind the trees.

"I cannot believe for one moment-" Audelia started to rant. "You are just so-" She found that she couldn't find the words to truly describe how she felt, so she just cut herself off with a defeated sigh.

"What, don't tell me you've already fallen for me." Flynn teased with a mocking gasp. He knew this would unravel her, she made it too easy.

Audelia clenched her fists tightly. "You know what, you are completely right." Audelia blurted out as she stomped over to Flynn. "I am head over heels for you." She whispered in a smooth voice that had noticeably dropped a few octaves. "And you know what it was that got me?" She asked, reaching her hand out to touch Flynn's chest.

Flynn stood completely still, not knowing what to do but just watch.

"It was that black outfit you wore." Audelia continued, leaning into him. "You know, the one that hugged your arms tightly and caressed every muscle." She teased, biting down lightly on her bottom lip.

Flynn couldn't help as his eyes darted to her lips, noting their full shape and perfect pink colour.

Once Audelia knew he was growing slightly nervous, she suddenly wrapped the fabric of his shirt around her fist and yanked him down towards her. His eyes were inches away from her as she glared at him. "You know, the outfit you wore to murder my dad." She spat out finally, dropping her entire act and making it clear that she still hated him.

Audelia then pushed herself away from him and pulled herself up onto the horse.

The moment Flynn knew that she could no longer see his face, he couldn't help but resist the urge to smile. Something very dark within himself enjoyed that far too much.

"Alright then." He finally muttered to himself, as he took one last look around to ensure everything was packed up.

He adjusted the small satchel that rested upon the horse and then started to lead the horse through the forest on foot. Once they reached the point where the trees no longer clustered together so tightly, he jumped onto the horse and gripped the reigns tightly.

Audelia paid no attention to him at all, which he was thankful for. He had so little sleep that he couldn't be bothered to argue again today. Flynn then tugged at the horse and she began a soft trot, which he kept at until they reached the edge of the forest.

At this point, he yelled a few commands at the horse, and they set off soaring into the fields. Flynn listened as Audelia let out a small gasp when the sudden change of speed caused her to slam backwards into him.

She remained cowered against him at first, but when she scrambled further up the horse and strained her neck upwards to feel the air wash over her face, he realised she was loving it.

Audelia rejoiced at the way it felt when the horse sped up, it reminded her of the riding lessons she took when she was younger. She'd always grow bored and begin to race off across the royal gardens, she loved how the wind thrashed against her and how alive she felt as the guards chased after her.

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