Chapter 29: The Reunion

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Audelia returned from her run earlier than usual, as she'd ran to the hill to meet Flynn for a training session, but he never turned up. She waited for an hour, practising archery by herself, but after the activity became tedious, she decided to return to the inn.

She was panting as she entered the kitchen. She tried to catch her breath as she attempted to measure her heart rate the way Tabitha had shown her but ended up catching her heart skipping a beat. Audelia had taken a glance around the kitchen and immediately realised Tabitha was missing from her usual spot. Tabitha was nowhere to be seen.

Audelia carefully pulled the dagger from her thigh holster that was sewn into her running leggings by Tabitha and held it close to her.

Flynn not showing up could be explained by a multitude of reasons being that he was living a double life, but Tabitha's absence meant something was wrong.

She controlled her breathing quickly, stopping herself from making any noise as she crept through the kitchen.

She had almost reached the door that led into the main area when the door was pushed open. Audelia prepared herself to attack whoever entered the room but immediately stopped herself as she found herself staring at Tabitha.

Audelia's let out a shaky breath, thankful Tabitha was okay, but Tabitha responded by quickly grabbing her arm and shoving her to the side.

Audelia scowled as her head hit the wall with enough force that it started to throb, but before she could say anything, she caught sight of Tabitha's worried expression.

"You can't be here," Tabitha whispered, letting her eyes constantly dart from Audelia to the door.

Audelia regarded Tabitha carefully, working out there was someone here who had put Tabitha on high alert. "Who is it?"

Tabitha placed her index finger against her lip, hushing Audelia. Her eyes remained glued to the door as she held onto Audelia's arms, but after a minute passed, Tabitha let her go.

Audelia remained still against the wall, not making any sound as she watched Tabitha rush around the kitchen.

Tabitha picked up a few wooden cups and grabbed a jug of beer before exiting the kitchen with a fake smile plastered on her face.

She didn't look back at Audelia once.

Audelia knew that she should remain in the kitchen whilst Tabitha attempted to sort out whatever was happening. And she also knew that Tabitha would want her to hide somewhere, but before Audelia could stuff herself into a cupboard, she found she was already floating towards the door.

Audelia desperately wanted to take a peek at whoever was out there. She wanted to understand what was going on.

She was light on her feet, being as quiet as Tabitha had wanted her to be before she stuck her face flat against the door's hinge.

There was a small gap where the door's frame and the door itself met, meaning Audelia could see into the rest of the inn. Her eyes caught onto Tabitha's chaotically curly hair very quickly, and she watched as Tabitha sat herself down at a table.

The table had three other people sat at it, and it didn't take a genius to realise who they were.

Sat opposite Tabitha was Flynn. He wore a ragged jacket that rested on top of a black top. His deep brown hair lay perfectly against his head, even the strands that clouded his face looked purposely placed. However, Audelia thought the most curious accessory Flynn had adorned, was the woman resting in his lap.

Audelia stared at the woman, unable to work out whether it was the lighting or if the woman's skin was actually glowing. The woman had a very slender and tall frame that relaxed carefully against Flynn as though they were made for each other.

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