Chapter 15: The Bounty

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Audelia crept back through the inn. She was on high alert; Flynn could be anywhere, and he wasn't going to be happy if he found her.

Upon reaching the front door, she cautiously peeked her head out to see if anyone was there. The streets were almost entirely deserted to Audelia's dismay, as she realised, she wouldn't have any cover once she left the inn.

She remained still for a while, too scared to step out of the inn. There were so many dangers out there, that she wasn't equipped to deal with. A reality that was demonstrated to her repeatedly by Flynn. As while she may have trained herself for a year, she was still no match for Flynn and therefore whoever else was trained alongside him.

"Excuse me, miss." She heard someone say from behind her.

She pulled her head back in and saw that she had been blocking the door.

Audelia side-stepped out of the way, allowing the people that had been waiting, to pass by. As the last man exited, Audelia realised this was her best disguise to leave the inn undetected.

So, with her eyes glued to the ground, she quickly left the inn and followed behind a few people that had just left also.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she kept walking, knowing how vulnerable she was at that moment. Flynn could pounce on her at any moment and there would be nothing she could do.

The people in front of her starting to disperse towards their different destinations and Audelia made the last-minute decision to turn down a random alley between houses.

Once in the alley, she picked her head up and took a glance at her surroundings. The houses on either side blocked out most of the morning sun, meaning the alleyway was cold and dark.

She listened out for any indication that someone was there, but upon hearing nothing worrying, she started to walk forwards.

The alley wasn't too long, so she was able to keep her eyes focused upon the light at the other end.

She had almost reached the end when she was suddenly greeted by a group of men who'd just turned into the alley. They blocked her exit as they walked shoulder to shoulder, making it impossible for her to pass.

Audelia slowed her walk, not knowing what to do when a voice suddenly chirped up.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" A man shouted out at her. His voice was loud and commanding as it echoed through the alley.

"No." Audelia bluntly shouted back, ducking her head.

"I recognise your voice too." He continued, clearly not receiving the message. "Who are you?"

Audelia didn't respond this time but instead stole a quick glance at the man addressing her. She couldn't make out his face at first but as they came closer, she realised who it was.

"I do know you." He said with a chilling chuckle. "You are the illustrious Princess that was kidnapped a few months ago."

Audelia swallowed nervously, her mouth barely able to muster any saliva as her body went into panic mode.

"And." The man said with the faint outline of a smile. "You are Flynn's friend."

His friends then all started to chuckle.

Audelia immediately turned on her heels and started to speed away from them.

However, they caught up to her in an instant. She felt one man's cold fingers through her jumper as he grabbed her arm and spun her back around.

"Leaving so soon?" The man said as he stepped closer to Audelia. His ginger hair reflecting what small light could penetrate the alley.

"Yes," Audelia said gingerly. "My mother is expecting me."

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