Chapter 20: The Deal

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"Let me try again!" Audelia demanded as she slicked back her sweat-drenched hair.

Tabitha slid a basket across the table to Audelia before quickly turning back to the oven. "Delia, you've got eggs to collect."

Audelia stopped the plate with ease. "Please Tab, just one more time."

Tabitha sighed. "I'd love to know where you get this energy from."

"That's a yes if I ever did hear one!" Audelia squealed excitedly as she grabbed the knife off the table.

"Quickly." Tabitha stepped away from the food she was cooking and signalled for Audelia to throw her the knife.

Audelia did just that and Tabitha caught the knife mid-air with swift movements.

"Go," Tabitha whispered quietly and Audelia jumped up on the table.

Audelia ran across it over to Tabitha, jumping as Tabitha lunged at her legs and then kicking the knife from her hand.

Tabitha let out a small grunt of surprise but shook it off as she grabbed Audelia's ankle to pull her off the table. But she was too late as Audelia had already thought ahead and pounced onto Tabitha.

They both fell to the floor with a thud and Audelia weaselled her legs around Tabitha's neck. Audelia then squeezed tightly cutting off her air supply.

Tabitha struggled around for a moment but eventually gave in and tapped against Audelia thigh. This made Audelia release her immediately and stand up.

Audelia gave Tabitha a hand to help her up as she felt a massive grin spread across her face. "I did it!"

Tabitha took deep breaths as she gave Audelia a thumbs up. "I've created a monster."

Audelia wiggled her hips in a victory dance. "Better watch your back now Tab, I'm better than you are now."

Tabitha rolled her eyes and stretched out her back. "Yeah yeah, don't get too cocky on me."

"I meannnn, it's not cocky if it's true." Audelia teased.

"Watch it," Tabitha said with a fake seriousness to her tone as she turned back to cooking.

Audelia still grinning ran up behind Tabitha and hugged her. "I did it!" She mumbled before grabbing the basket on the table and leaving through the back door.

Tabitha smiled to herself, happy to see Audelia improving so well after just 3 months of training. She demonstrated the skills of assassins that had been training for years and Tabitha put it down to the fact she was more determined. And the fact Tabitha was such a great teacher.

After plating the food, she was making, she balanced the plate on the palm of her hand and pushed her way out of the kitchen. Tabitha manoeuvred her way over to a man sitting at a table that was tucked away in the corner, and with a smile, she placed the plate in front of him.

He gave her some compliments on the food, and she wished him a good day before heading back to the kitchen. However, on her way back, a man sat in the back of the inn caught her attention.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him fully, hoping she was wrong. But as she made eye contact with him, her heart fell into her stomach.

He gave her a little wave and Tabitha bit down on the inside of her cheek.

"Can I order?" She heard him yell, realising that she hadn't moved.

"Be right with you." She sniffled back as she slowly made her way over, focusing only on putting one foot in front of the other.

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