Chapter 3

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Phil's POV:

* Beep beep beep beep*

" Ughhhhhh" I groan as I get out of bed.

" Ughhhhhh" I groan as I get dressed.

" Ughhhhhh" I groan as I make my way

towards school.

" Ughhhhhh" I groan as it starts raining.

" Ughhhhhh" I groan as I feel my shirt sticking to my chest because of the stupid rain.

I try to stop groaning because someone might mistake me for a zombie.

Not that I'm still alive in the inside. I should have gone to sleep earlier but nooooooooo Mr. Phil Lester had to go to bed late.

I quietly make my way to homeroom when someone taps on my shoulder.

I look behind me and shoot a glare saying ' Don't touch me, I'm NOT in the mood'.

I realize the girl is totally oblivious to my glare.

"Hi,you're Phil right?" a girl with blond hair and pink tips smiles.

" Ah yes. H-hi" I mumble. Ididn'tmeantoglareatyouI'msosorry.

" I'm Louise, Nice to meet you" Louise smiles as she reaches out to shake my hand.

I try to wipe off my sweaty hands as soon as I can before I take her small hand in mine.

Suddenly, a jolt of energy makes it's way to my hand.

Something I've never felt so.. so... strong... I-I...

" Ow what the hell!" I half yell as I clutch my hand towards my chest.

Louise suddenly starts laughing so hard that her laughter comes out as noiseless puffs of air.

" I- I'm so sorry!! Oh my gosh you should have seen your face!"

She extends her hand to show me a...

HAND BUZZER?!?!??!!?!?!??!

" I always do that to new kids. I'm sorry" She says with a grin.

" Its fine " I say with a genuine smile.

10 minutes after class has started, I hear a big thump and an apology. I'm too busy thinking about what I should say in my next Youtube video to care. Thats why when someone touches my shoulder, I freak out.

Someone errups in giggles as I turn to my left to see a curly haired Dan.

I smile as we make eye contact. His eyes are a nice shade of brown and are always filled with life and curiosity. Not to mention, his hair looks adorable.

" Good Morning" he whispers.

" Good Morning Dan" I whisper back.

We keep eye contact for what feels like 5 minutes but is really only 4 seconds.

He smiles at me and I'm about to say something when someone interrupts.

" Daniel, stop giving Lester hearteyes!" Miss. Ann yells.

Dan suddenly looks away to look out the window filled with little water droplets.

I panic.

Did I do something to make him mad? Is he creeped out?

More importantly, is he blushing?

○~~~~~~~~ Lunch time~~~~~~~~○

I awkwardly make my way to the library skipping lunch. The food they serve here sucks anyway.

I quietly open the door to be greeted by a shushing librarian. I try not to roll my eyes as I make my way towards the computers.

These look like dinosaurs, they're horrible and old. It's better than nothing though.

I open up Youtube making sure no one is around as I search up


I let out a squeel  when I notice I have  finally reached over 1,000,000 subscribers!!!! I've been looking towards this day for years!

I close the tab and sprint out of the library.

I'm going to make a video to thank my one million plus subscribes!

Yes! Yes! YES!!

I start to walk slowet as I start to run out of breath.

Stupid exercise.

I'm so excited that I don't pay much notice to a large figure walking into the library right after me.

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