Chapter 9

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Phil's POV:
~~~ 2: 36 ~~~
Name: Phil Lester
Status: Can't sleep
I'm so bored and sweaty. All I wanted was to sleeeeeeppppp. I have detention at 7 in the morning.
I forgot to have my ' mum' sign it.
I get up and ramble around my room.
After minutes of hopelessly searching, I find my detention slip and a pen.
All I need to do is sign it.
I take out a paper out of a stack on my desk and practice writing my mum's name.
I have a small problem though.
I don't know how to write in cursive.
With a sigh, I turn on my computer and go on YouTube. That reminds me, I should make a new video soon.
With a shaking hand I manage to make it kinda seem like my mum wrote it.
I mean, Helen Keller would have believed it.
I lay down in my bed and look up at my poster covered ceiling.
I wonder what Dan's doing right now...

* 7 am aka detention time*

I take deep breaths as I enter the school.
I'm right here. I can do it.
I find homeroom with ease. Just ad I'm about to open the door, Dan does it.
He didn't notice me so I move before we crash. He looks up and smiles.
" Hi Phil" Dan greets me.
" Hey. Where are you going?" I ask as I give him a tiny smile.
" Miss. Ann isn't here yet so I thought I'd roam around for a while. Want to join me?"
" Yeah, Yeah. Sure. I'd love that." I say as I fix my fringe. Dan starts walking and I happily follow him.
We continue to walk and talk until...
" Shoot! It's already 8: 03!" Dan exclaims.
We glance at each other in horror and start sprinting towards Miss. Ann's classroom.
We arive there in record time wheezing.
I should start going to the gym.
We open the door and are greated by a slightly angry teacher.
" Daniel. Philip. Where were you? Detention was an hour ago." Miss Ann asks. " We're so sorry! We were here all along I swear! We were just going to hang out but how the saying goes, Time flies when you're having fun." Dan says as he gives me a smile.
Dan and I stay in awkward silence for a couple seconds until Miss. Ann comes up with her verdict.
" You were here all along?" She asks as she pulls back a piece of her brown hair.
" Yes, we swear! Right Dan?" I say as I look over at him. " Yes!" Dan exclaims.
" Mmm fine. You're pardoned of your crime. Next time I'm not cutting you any slack you understand?"
We both nod our heads at Miss. Ann as we make our way towards the door just in case she decides to change her mind.
We leave the school in silence but Dan suddenly stops walking.
" Damn." Dan says as he looks up at the darkened sky. " What?" I ask as I continue to text Chris.
" I think it's going to rain soon. It's crazy though since it was super sunny like an hour ago!" Dan says. I snap my head to look up at the sky. Dan's right, it looks like its going to pour.
Around ten minutes later, we're soaked head to toe and in the safe place called The Lester household.
I mean, I don't have a hidden motive or anything. Just a friend helping another friend out, right?
" I'll be back. I'll go get us some towells to dry us off" I call out as I run up the stairs to the bathroom.
I come back to find a curious curly haired Dan looking at my video game collection.
" Dude, we have to play Mario Cart" and thus it came down to this.
After losing 6 rounds at Mario Cart, I decide I've had enough. I pout and get up.
" Where are you going?" Dan asks with a grin.
" Ganna go cry to your mummy?" He smirks.
" Maybe I will!" I say as I cross my arms.
Dan gets up and stands awfully close to me. Not that I'm complaining.
His laughter suddenly stops as he looks at my eyes. I slowly close my eyes as Dan starts leaning in. I can feel his breath on my nose.
We lean in closer but then-

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