Chapter 7

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Phil's POV:

I sit on my bed playing Crossy Road when I hear a knock at my door.
" Come in!" I call as I continue to play as the emo goose.
" Hey honey. How was your day?" my angel for a mum asks as she makes her way towards my bed.
" My day was rather... uneventful." I turn off my phone as I make eye contact,trying not to start blabbering my mouth about my detention.
" Sooooooo... I saw you and a pretty young lady walking home a while ago. Is she your girlfriend?" My mum asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.
" What Lad- Oh! You mean Louise? No no. She's just a friend. Also, she has a boyfriend named Matt" I respond.
" Louise is wonderful." I say with a smile.
" Did you make any other friends?" She asks as she looks around my poster filled room.
I talk to my mum about everything except for the detention. I start yawning and my mun takes that as a sign to leave.
We exchange good nights and I suddenly smile remembering about the idiotic prince that tried to save my ass.

* Skipping to the next day during lunch*

" Lester!" I hear a deep voice call.
Who on earth is -
I turn around and find a boy I've never seen before standing rather close to me.
Apparently, he doesn't understand the concept of personal apace.
" Uh, hi person I've never met before" I say as I take a step back.
" Oh, Hello. I'm Anthony by the way."
I recognize that name.
" Oh! You must be Ian's boyfriend! Nice to meet you." I say as I stretch out my hand.
" Pch! What the hell? I'm not a fag! I have a girlfriend!" Anthony yells and hits my hand away.
I pissed him off.
" O- Oh. I'm so sorry, I didn't -"
" Save it Lester." He sneers.
I rub my hand as he walks away. I look down at my hand and notice how red it is.
It looks like I just fisted Elmo.
I awkwardly walk towards the library but am stopped as a figure approaches me.
My heart stops.
Is it Anthony here to beat me up?!
" Phil! Wanna go to the cafeteria with me?" A calm voice asks.
" D-Dan!" I turn around hiding my hand.
" That would be me. So do you?" He smiles.
" Yeah, s-sure"
We make our way towards the cafeteria ' accidentally' brushing hands.
For some reason, I don't mind him being in my imaginary bubble of personal space.
After we both get our lunches ( ops I forgot my own packed lunch at home), we head towards ' our ' table.
" Wait. Where's Chris and Peej?" He asks.
I shrug, how am I supposed to know?
We sit down , me infront of Dan, as we exchange shy glances and small smiles.
" Phillllllllllllllllllll!" A cheerful voice yells.
I snap my head towards the direction of the voice.
A huge grin takes over my face.
" Louise!" I practicly yell as she leaps to hug me. " Can't... breathe!" I whisper as I try to escape the tight embrace.
" Oh! Sorry." She says as she pulls away.
" Hey Dan! How are you? I haven't seen you in like, a month!" Louise grins looking at Dan.
" Wait, you guys know each other?" I ask.
She hadn't mentioned that she knew Dan when I talked to her about him.
" Yeah.. 'm doing fine Louise." He awkwardly picks at his food.
I talk to Louise until the bell rings.
We all share our goodbyes but I feel like something is off with Dan.
Maybe he has a crush on Louise.
That would be a problem though, considering she has a boyfriend.

○○○○ After School ○○○○

I walk home with Louise and meet Matt for the first time. He seems like a very nice guy.
We continue talking and surprisingly, I don't feel like the third wheel.
Our conversation is cut short when I get pushed and stumble into Louise's arms.
" I- I'm so sorry Louise." I say as I get up and look at the stranger that bumped into me.
Bowl cut man.
Bowl cut man glares at me and I nervously look away.
" Who is that?" I ask Matt.
" Oh. That's Ian. Don't fuck with him or you'll regret ever being born" Matt says with a hint of fear in his tone.
I gulp as I try to ignore the horrible feeling of Ian's glare on my back.

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