Chapter 12

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Dan's POV:

*Ding Ding Ding*
A text.
I grunt as I get out of bed and look around for my phone. I find it after a couple minutes of helpless searching and turn it on.

Phil- Hey Dan wanna hang out tmrrw with Louise?? Matt and her broke up and shes pretty beaten down about it

Louise and Matt were like my real life OTP.
I type out a fast reply but before I hit send, I remember that I can't.

" Hey Dan. Finally not hanging out with your boyfriend?" Ian smirks. " He's not my fucking boyfriend. " I spit. " Yeah, totally" Anthony laughs as he playfully punches one of his crew members. " Its true. I'm not a.. not a..." I start saying. " Not a what Dan?" Ian laughs. I gulp and regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth.
" I'm not a fag."
" Good. Then stop handing out with those losers. You're losing all your cool man." Anthony says as he pats me in the back a bit too hard.
" Yeah, whatever" I sigh

Dan - I'm sorry dude
As much as I love Louise,,, I'm really busy

I shut down my phone so I won't have to see the text I already know I'm going to receive.

You always are

" Danny, Come over here!" Ian yells. I turn around as I try not to glare at them. I quickly half jog over to where Ian and his little gang are standing.
" Let's skip" Anthony proposes as he takes out a cigarette.
I can't afford to skip. My grades are already shit.
Then again... It's only one day.
" Yeah Danny?" Stephen asks.
" Shut up Stephen" I glare " but yeah, let's go"
~~~ After School~~~

" Dan!" Phil yells as he runs up to me. " Hmm? Oh hi" I say as I look around for any sign of Ian and Anthony. " Why didn't you answer your phone?! I called you like 50 million times!" He half yells trying to catch his breath.
Oh yeah.
I forgot to turn my phone on since I shut it down last night.
Instead of apologizing, I start yelling almost as loud as him.
" What I do is none of your damn business! You're not my mom Phil! I'm allowed to have a life that doesn't revolve around you!"
" I was just worried about you! You've been acting all weird and I was scared you were upset because of something I did!
I was even more afraid that you got into some kind of accident or something and I- I..." Phil starts to tear up.
" What Phil?! Tell me!" I angrily yell.
" I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could have done something to help you but I didn't!" He sobs.
I'm about to hug him and tell me that its ok, but before I can, I spot Anthony out of the corner of my eye.
I try to avoid eye contact as I decide what to say next.
" Well whatever, I'm fine" I say as I walk away from a crying Phil. I can hear chocked sobs and I feel horrible knowing I caused them, especially to someone as amazing as Phil.
As soon as I make it home, I shut the door to my room and let my tears roll down my cheeks freely.
I wipe my eyes one last time before turning on my phone. I notice I not only have 6 missed calls and 9 texts, but a tweet notification. I click it and notice its Phil.

* New Video!! Retweet for flower emojis*

I click the link and wait for it to load. As soon ad it starts, I notice a familiar half pink ponytail.
He's doing a video with Louise?
I go to the comment section and lazily scroll.
I stumble across until I find one that catches my eye.

' omg she's so cute!! still team Phan though!"
I go on google and type into the search bar.

[ What is Phan?]

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