Chapter 13

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Phil's POV:
I rub my nose as I catch my breath. "I-I'm sorry Louise. I should be the one that's comforting you, not the other way around"
"It's ok" she sadly smiles.
"I mean, I don't even know why I'm crying. It's not like he was my boyfriend or anything, it was just a friend fight" I say but cringe at how stupid I sounded. "Its ok bunny. Let's go watch a movie, yeah?" Louise asks as she gets up from her bed and goes to the telly. "What do you want to watch?" She smiles.
"Kill Bill" I grin.

~~~ The Next Day at Lunch~~~

" Have you seen Dan today?" I ask as I sit down next to Louise. " Sadly no. I was about to teach him a lesson" Louise responds. " I think I saw him with his new buddies Ian and Anthony" Pj sneers. I frown as I recall our little, no, huge argument. I could have sworn I saw him look scared after seeing something. Maybe someone does have dirt on him.
~~~ After School~~~

" Philly!" Louise runs to me. She pulls me into a tight embrace as she silently sobs into my shirt. " Louise! What's wrong?" I ask as I run her back to try to calm her. " Matt... H-He has a new girlfriend! I mean, it's hasn't even been a week and he and Zoe were snogging in the hallway!"
I kiss the top of her head as she sobs harder. She leads me to a corner in the back of the school. I follow her until she suddenly stops. I look down at her confused and look at her questioningly until she breaks the silence.
" Make me forget"
She crashes my lips with hers and starts making out with me. I close my eyes and follow her lead but don't feel the same way I felt with Dan. I put my hands on Louise's face as I kiss her harder.
As I half open my eyes, I could have sworn I saw a shadow behind me.
I ignore it as I say to myself that it's nothing.


Sorry this is so short. I've been really busy this week ( and that says a lot since I'm never busy). If you think this is giving you feels, just wait Ay. ;)

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