Chapter 6

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Dan's POV:
What just happened?
Everything moved so quickly.
I look up to see Phil walking away.
Oh gosh.
I freaked him out.
I hurry home, the opposite way of where Phil is walking.
When I get home, I loudly close my door just so the whole neighborhood knows my day was crap. I throw myself on my bed as I stare at the ceiling.
I lie wallowing in self pity and hatred for about half an hour before I hear a * ting ting*.
Text message.
I groan, sitting up to look for my phone. I lazily unlock my phone and smile at the message.
Chris- where r u? Didnt u wanna hang out? Txt me back
I quickly text back a response as I put on my shoes.
Dan- K. I'll meet u at Carry's Cafe.
After about 10 minutes of walking, I enter the cafe. The smell of coffee and chips hits my nose. Yum.
"Dan!" I hear Chris call. I look around for a second until I spot him and Pj. I make my way towards them trying not to bump into anyone. " Yo" I say as I pull out a chair and sit. " Didn't know your boyfriend came too" Chris smirks. " Could say the same to you" I laugh.
Two can play at that game.
Pj turns bright red and looks away. Suddenly, the words sink in.
" Wait. Boyfriend? He's not her- I mean, not that I have one but..." I awkwardly spit out. " Oh yeah? Then why is Phily over there?" Chris says with a hint of a blush still visible in his cheeks.
I turn around slowly, trying not to make direct eye contact with anyone. My eyes go wide as I notice Phil is here.
What really catches my eye is that he's not alone. He's here with a gir- wait.
I try not to lose my shit in the middle of the restaurant but it seems I'm failing.
Since when do they know each other?
Wait. Thats none of my business anyway.
"Dan! Stop stop staring!" Pj shakes me. I snap my eyes away from the sick romantic comedy scene as I realize the waitress is here
" Hi, Dan. What do you want to order?" Zoe asks. I order some chips and a milkshake in an awkward shaky voice. As soon as Zoe leaves I hear Chris say something.
" What?" I ask. " I asked if you were jealous" Chris repeats as he takes a bite out of his obnoxiously large burger.
" Yeah totally. I mean, I'm totally jealous of some internet star going out with a pretty girl by the name of Louise on a beautiful Thursday afternoon while I stare" I finish with a dramatic eye roll.
" Ok so maybe I am a bit jealous" I say as I notice Phil leaving with Louise.
I hear Chris laugh but just ignore him.
Zoe comes back with my food so I refrain from giving Chris the bird. I dig in but lose most of my appetite thinking about Phil and Louise dating.
" I heard you got Lester in trouble today" Peej smirks. " Wait how do you know that?" I ask slowly. " News of the town Dan! Apparently it was Amaz-ing" Chris snickers.
" Yeah well now we both have Saturday detention so that's not very amazing" I sigh as I pop a chip into my mouth.
~~~~ 10pm~~~~
I'm spread on my bed awake clutching my iPhone.
I can either go on tumblr or sleep. If I go on tumblr though.. I won't be able to sleep until like 3am.
Teenager problems.
I close my eyes as I decide the next big thing to tumblr is sleep.

I'm so sorry this is so short and crappy.
I wrote this chapter but it wouldn't save so I had to re-do it and I lost all creativity I had. ( o^o)  whoops

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