-Chapter 16-

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A/N: Long time no see guys! Sorry I've been so busy these days and well,,, lazy. This is THE LAST CHAPTER!! ;-; I might make an epilogue if people like this story. Anyway,, happy readings!

Dan's POV:
" W-What?!" I ask. I continue listening to a panicked Phil until a voice interrupts.
" Who the hell is that?Is it that fag?" Ian spits. " Shut up" I say as I try to calm Phil down. I listen to Phil for a while longer until someone yanks the phone away from my ear. " Hey!" I say angrily as I turn around to get back my phone. " Ian asked you a question" Anthony clutches my phone as he looks in the caller ID. He throws my phone to the ground with so much force that it cracks the screen.
I stare at him in shock.
What an asshole.
" What did we tell you about hanging out with blue eyes?" Anthony hisses.
" You know what?! I've had it up to here with your shit! I'm going to hang out with whoever the hell I want to!" I snap.
Ian grabs me by the collar while Stephen and Anthony grab me from behind. Just before Ian gets the change to swing at me, I bite Anthony's hand.
He yelps in pain and lets go of me to clutch his now bleeding hand. I take this time to elbow Stephen in the face and kick Ian right in that area.
I quickly run away as they yell a string of curse words.
I wave at a passing cab as I run to it. I open the door as I tell them the adress of the hospital Phil was heading to. I was supposed to go with him and Louise but couldn't due to those fucking twats stopping me.
I arrive in around 30 minutes because of the gosh awful traffic. I pay the cab a bit too much as I get out and rush to the hospital entrance.
" Dan? What the hell are you doing here?" Chris barks. I turn around to meet the faces of an angry Chris and rather upset Pj.
" I came here for the same reason you did" I glare.
" Don't you dare look at me like that Dan! You know damn well that I-"
" Stop the fighting guys" Phil calls out as he walks towards us. I turn pink as I remember about my lame confession. I blabber nonsense as I try to explain myself. Before I can further embarrass myself, I hear commotion behind me. " Zoe? Matt? What are you doing here?" I ask confused. " Where is she?" Matt asks as he completely ignores my question. " Room 108" Phil replies as he looks at Matt's worried face. Matt quickly sprints looking for the room.
" Dan? Can I talk to you for a second?" Zoe asks. " Yeah um sure." I excuse myself as Zoe starts to tug on the sleeve of my black jacket. She leads me into an empty hallway away from anyone. " I broke up with Matt" Zoe bluntly states. " I knew he would be happier, and so would I. We barley had broken up when Matt got the phone call talking about how Louise was at the hospital."
I nod allowing her to continue.
"So in short, thank-you" she smiles. " I didn't really do anything but you're welcome" I grin.
We walk back together to where Chris, Peej, and Phil are sitting, waiting for the further news about Louise.
"Dan, may I also have a word with you?" Phil asks as he approaches me and Zoe.
Again? Man, I'm popular.
I simply nod as I follow him to the corridor I was just in with Zoe.
"Dan, I'm sorry"
Is he rejecting me?
" I- I, for what?" I gulp.
" I'm sorry I didn't stop you when you were walking away. I... I think I like you too" Phil awkwardly laughs.
I smile as I see him close his eyes and slightly lean it. Before our lips can connect, someone calls us.
" Dan! Phil! The doctor is here!"
I lean away and grin at Phil. " C'mon" I say as I hold his hand and tug him towards a smirking Chris.
The doctor awkwardly coughs as he continues talking. " Anyway, in short, we have found what is wrong with Miss. Pentland."
Everyone takes a sharp intake of breath as he makes a pause. I feel Phil squeeze my hand harder as the doctor finishes talking.
" She is 4 months pregnant"


After everyone had got over the shock, we were allowed to go to the room to where Louise and Matt were.
"Dan?" Phil asks.
" Yeah Phil?" I ask as I make circles in his right hand.
" I'm so glad you're here"
With those words still hanging in the air, I pull him into a tight embrace.
" I know" I whisper into the crook of his neck.

I know times are going to be harder in the future, especially with coming out and Louise's baby, but we can get through them, as long as we have each other.

A/N: omg THE END Woooooooh
Hope you liked it. This was a pain to write since I'm not a very talented writer or creative in any which way. This is my first story thingy but hopefully I'll get better.
Have a nice day ( uvu) /

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