Cute Girls in Baggy Hoodies and Neon Pink Shorts

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        I thought about those moments and tossed and turned thinking about him. I was confused and felt bad, Goku had admitted to wanting to be with me instead of his wife. Yes, he was open and honest but I didn't need this. He didn't need to kiss me goodnight, or hold my hand, or  put his arm around me. I sighed and gave up trying to sleep, it wasn't going to happen tonight.

        After that weekend, everything was normal again. Goku started to slip from my mind as I began to focus on school and preparing for my 21st birthday. I was throwing a party at my house the day I turned 21, the weekend after that, Bulma said she wanted to take me on a bar crawl.

        To be honest, it wasn't long after that night that I bumped into him, again. It had been maybe a month and I was out jogging, trying to get a little slimmer to fit into my blue club dress. I was jogging from my apartment, around the park and to the store, to get some last minute things for my party that was going to start in a few hours. I got into the store and went up and down the aisle, getting junk food, cookies, sweets, and other fattening drunk-snack foods. I started to go into the alcohol aisle when my cart was hit from the side.

        Again we slammed into each other. I heard the voice before I noticed anything. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ram into you...Oh, Hey Nana!" He smiled at me and nodded. I couldn't hold back my smile. I mean, it was my birthday, after all.

I looked down and noticed his cart. His cart was filled with rice, meats, juices, snacks, fish and foods more than likely used to cook a home-cooked meal, not just to satisfy some drunk college kids.

        He smiled and me and eyed me strangely. I suddenly became aware of my outfit. I was wearing an oversized black hoodie with tiny neon pink running shorts. 

        "So..." He said as he began to look around. He glanced down into my cart. "What's all the crap food for?"

        "Oh nothing really, I'm just throwing my birthday party and wanted to get some stuff for everybody to munch on."

        He blinked and his smile faded. "You're birthday is today...?"

        I nodded and smiling, thinking about the fact that now I was pretty much an adult and was allowed to do practically anything!

        "Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry, I would've gotten you something if I knew. I mean I remember you told me it was soon but you didn't tell me when it was and I--"

        I cut him off and smiled. "It's no big deal. I didn't tell a lot of people but next weekend you should hang out with me. Bulma's taking me on my first bar crawl! I'm so excited!" He smiled and shook his head.

        "Good luck with that one."

        We both laughed.

        "So you're having your birthday party tonight?" I nodded. "Sounds like fun, you should let me come with!"

        I gave off a nervous laugh, thinking of Chi-Chi. "Um. Sure."

He laughed but suddenly softened his laugh and shook his head. "I'd love to but I think Chi-Chi would kill me if I went to a party with you. It's okay for her but not for me."

        "Bulma's going to be there!" I blurted out.

        He paused. And thought. "Maybe..." He blinked a few times and frowned, slightly. "No, Im sorry, I don't think I can go but, Nana, Can I help you set up and take your things home?" I nodded. "Did you walk here?"

        "Yeah, I live in an apartment building a few blocks away." He nodded.

"Well then I'll walk you home. Besides it's dark out and I don't feel comfortable with cute girls in baggy hoodies and neon pink shorts walking home at night by themselves."

        I blushed. Why did he have to notice? Why couldn't I have been wearing my club dress or something cute? I sighed internally.

        He laughed and we finished getting some things and decided to get going. Goku somehow convinced the staff members at the register sing 'Happy Birthday' to me as they bagged and finished checking out my stuff. I blushed the entire time.

Soon we were out of the store and into the fall evening. I felt myself involuntarily shiver and he stepped closer to me. "You okay?"

        "Yeah, Just cold." He frowned.

        "If I had my jacket, I'd give it to you. But I hardly wear anything." I nodded and decided to focus my attention upwards, towards the sky and the full moon.

Soon we arrived at my apartment door and as I tried to reach into my pockets to grab my key, I accidentally dropped it. I sighed and bent to grab it but Goku was already standing with it in his hand. "How'd you do that?"

        He smiled and chuckled. "I'm magic!" He opened my apartment door and we walked in. We set the grocery bags on the counter and I watched as he set his bags on the floor, by the door.

        "No but seriously, how did you do that? I didn't even see you move!"

He smiled, again. 'Like  said, I'm magic!" I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Here, watch this!"

        I nodded and blinked. When I opened my eyes all I saw was a flurry of blue and orange and opening and closing cabinets. He stood in front of me, smiling in an empty kitchen.

        "H...How? How did you do that??"

        He laughed and started to set up for my party. "I'm magic!"

        I glared at him as I started to move my valuable items somewhere safe, so they wouldn't get broken. "Care to share?"

        He laughed again. "Bulma hasn't told you much about me, has she?"

        I shook my head.

        "She's not the type to brag, after all."

        I laughed, he obviously didn't know Bulma.

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