Tien was shouting and hysterically upset and I shared so much empathy for him. "You'll pay for what you've done!"
"Ha! You say it as if you ever had a chance. Get mad but it won't do anything. You guys can't defeat us!"
"That does it! This is for you Chiaotzu!" Tien charged and punched and kicked Nappa but he effortlessly blocked, finding this to be some sort of a dance or game. Tien seemed to be doing really well but after a few moments, Nappa knocked him down.
Krillin went to rush at Nappa but Piccolo stopped him, his words knocking me out of my dazed state. "He's going to attack Tien again and he'll be unguarded. That's when we attack. Did you get that Gohan?" Gohan nodded, fearfully. "Nana?" I nodded, not meeting their eyes. Vegeta mentioned something about us watching Nappa, I wasn't really listening though. I was spaced out again and trying to handle my pep talk with Enlightened. I heard Goku's name being mentioned and that brought me back to my present state. "You just wait, you'll meet Goku soon enough."
Tien was knocked onto the ground again and Nappa was rushing him from above. "Nana, Krillin, let's go. Gohan you stay." We nodded and took off. Piccolo hit Nappa upward towards me, I hit him sideways towards Krillin who hit him downwards to Gohan. "Your turn Gohan, Fry him!" My eyes made their way to Gohan, who was frozen in fear. Shit!
I transported next to Gohan, pushing him out of the way, and shot a a blast up towards Nappa. "Forever Fire!" I screamed as I noticed Piccolo and Krillin shooting energy shots towards Nappa as well. The attacks met Nappa in a three-way assault. Once the dust settled, he was still standing. A little scratched up but seething angry. Fuck! Why didn't that do anything!?
Nappa flew up above Piccolo and Krillin and I could hear Gohan crying, a few yards away from me. The mothering instincts inside of me almost made me run to him but I remembered hearing Piccolo's various lectures about me not coddling him. "Now you're all gonna die! Namekian and the girl! No one lives!" I heard Nappa shout. I glanced behind me, towards Prince Vegeta, who stood causally, with his arms crossed.
His eyes caught mine and he shook his head. "He can attempt to touch you, but you're mine." My skin crawled at his words but I found a strange solace in them, knowing at least I wasn't going to die right away.
"Nana!" My eyes focused on Piccolo. "Multiform technique, now!" I nodded and flew up towards him and Krillin. I centered myself and coaxed my energy to take the form of myself. Three Piccolo's, three Krillin's and Four Nana's were all surrounding Nappa. "Go!"
We all rushed towards Nappa, attacking and defending. I saw three of my other forms fall to the ground and Nappa smirked, hitting me into the ground. I crashed and stood after a few moments to see that Krillin and Piccolo had all fallen as well. "Krillin, Nana!" I nodded and flew upward again, continuing to attack.
Nappa got the best of me and hit me backwards, knocking me into Krillin who was knocked into Piccolo. We all flew down a few feet up stopped ourselves. Nappa smirked and smiled down at Prince Vegeta. "Vegeta, you up for a game of Dominos?" Vegeta let out a laugh and I wiped my lip, finding blood on my pink wrist bands. Of course.
I went to rush forward but Piccolo grabbed my wrist, protecting me. I glanced back at him and saw the huge, hot golden energy that came upward from the ground. Gohan? No...It's Tien! Tien was giving his everything in this attack and I watched, with a mournful glee as it overwhelmed and swallowed up Nappa. Of course though, despite the amount of strength and energy put into the attack, Nappa was still standing, most of his clothing burned and tatter but he was still alive. Krillin began talking and I hit him. "You're not helping!" I cried as I raced downward to Tien, in an attempt to save him.
I fell to my knees and grounded myself, placing my hands on his bare back and sending energy into him, trading energy or anything I could to revive him. Nothing. Nana, stop and go fight. You'll get sick. I'm already gone. I heard his voice in my head.
"No! Not again! What's the point of being able to heal if it doesn't work!?" I felt rage overwhelm me and I snapped. "This is not going to continue! I'm stopping this now!" I glanced over at Gohan and smiled, sending him comfort. I sent some energy to Piccolo and Krillin, and it caught their attention. This is the end...I promised myself and flew upward, straight at Nappa. "This ends with me! I'll take you out with me, I promise!" I cried as I caught him off guard. I hit him, head on and he flew back and upward a few feet. "You'll pay for all the blood you've ever spilled in your life!" I heard Enlightened's voice join mine. "You'll face judgement!"

A Little Pain
FanfictionGoku and Nana meet and fall inexplicably in love with one another. At the time they meet, Chi-Chi is cheating on Goku and he decides to do the same with Nana. After a divorce and custody agreement over Gohan, Goku is free to truly be with Nana, lik...