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        I came back into my apartment and saw Goku looking at a box that was on my table. He looked up and smiled.

“These are all the things I’ve sent you.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I wanted to make sure they were all from you. I’ve had an issue with a tenant down the hall before.”

His always-present smile slowly turned into a frown. “What happened?”

I shrugged, brushing the memories off. “It was no big deal. He just sorta stalked me for a while. Followed me home a few times, sent me flowers and letters. Stood outside my door and knocked for half an hour. It was creepy.” The look on his face went from worried to on high alert.

“Did he touch or hurt you?”


“Does he still live here?”

I shrugged. “Dunno. I had Riku and my land lord confront him. Haven’t seen him since.”

He nodded and sighed, letting out his worries in one breath. He sat and in a very charming gesture, pulled out the chair next to him. I sat and faced him. He took my hands in his and started studying the features of my hands, turning them gently.

“If anything ever happens again, let me know. I can’t afford for you to get hurt.” I nodded and leaned into him. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head.

We decided to head back to the couch and watch movies and talk. Suddenly a loud noise scared me and I jumped into his arms.

“What was that!?”

He laughed and blushed, sheepishly. “That was me. I’m just hungry.”

“Oh.” I nodded and stood, to get something for him. He pulled me down into his lap.

“Please, Don’t go. I’ll be fine.” I blushed and pushed off him.

“I’m sorry but I’m going to assume that Chi-Chi doesn’t cook for you anymore, so let me.”

He kept quiet as I opened a few cans of Stew and made them. He set out the dishes and sat patiently at my table. I noticed he was being very quiet and strange and it made me uncomfortable.

“Is everything okay…?”

He blinked and met my eyes and I saw he looked horrified. “I’ve never eaten in front of you.”

I sweatdropped like in an anime. “What!? That’s why you’re acting weird!?”

He nodded. “I’m afraid I’ll scare you.”

What? What is he talking about? “Why?” I asked.

He shrugged. “You’ll see, I suppose.”

I nodded and served him and myself food. I waited and watched him eat slowly. He looked like he was straining to eat.

“Goku.” His eyes caught mine.

“Am I doing something wrong?”

“No and yes.” He looked down shamefully. “You’re not being yourself.”

“I can’t be myself around you. I don’t want to look bad.”

I laughed, whole-heartly. “Come on! I’m not that scary! And honestly, if I didn’t like you, I would have run at hearing you had a wife.”

He softly laughed and smiled. He raised his eyes to meet mine. “Just don’t freak out, okay?”

I nodded and turned my attention back to my food, wondering what could be so bad. I heard a soft slurping sound and the sound of metal and glass hitting each other. I glanced up, he was sitting there, smiling, with an empty bowl.

“What did you do?”

He chuckled. “Well I ate, you weren’t looking so I went for it.” His stomach growled and he served himself more food and when he went to eat it, he almost inhaled it!

I gaped, open-mouthed. “You Kirby-ed that!”

He laughed and I saw tears forming at the end of his eyes. “You’re cute.” He whispered as he served himself another 5 big bowls. He sighed and patted his stomach, extending himself on the chair. “That was filling!” He said as he winked and popped a bread roll into his mouth.

His face fell almost immediately, though. “Nana, You haven’t eaten.”

I blushed, again. “I’m sorry, I was so intrigued by you. You ate enough for the both of us!” He gave me and nervous laugh.

“I’ve always had an extremely large appetite. It’s pretty crazy. I’m always hungry.”

I smiled and sat down after reheating my food. I ate and he took my dishes away.

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