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I felt overwhelmed and decided to call a friend, just to talk things out. I needed someone NOT involved.

My bestie, Hanna, came over and I unloaded everything on her, over some good chinese food.

“So, he’s married?” She asked as she popped a piece of dumpling in her mouth. I nodded. She swallowed  and sighed. “And now you’re together?” I nodded, feeling ashamed.  “That’s bad, but exciting!”

I hit her. “No, it is not! I’m ashamed of myself for getting into this situation!”

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I mean this woman doesn't want him and she’s making it obvious by going out and doing the same thing. Why isn’t he allowed the same things?” I shrugged and we hung out for a while.

After that day, I didn’t see GoKu for a few weeks. I got so wrapped up in projects and school, I was rarely home.

But I’d find roses at my doorstep or little packages of chocolate or teddy bears in their absence. I remember once, I even found a love letter that was gently slipped under the door. But we never got to see each other, so the gifts and flowers piled up and I honestly couldn’t tell if they were from him or from someone else, playing a prank.

After the love letter, everything stopped for a few weeks. I figured he forgot and continued his everyday life. It felt better not to see him and not have to remember his wanting but I did want him, and that was the problem. I didn’t want to want him but I couldn’t help it. Just the thought of him made my heart race and my breath grow fast. I hated it…

One day, I was out at a cafe with my friends, Hanna and Riku.

Hanna has been studying to be a detective but was currently enlisted as Police Officer. Riku was studying to be an airplane mechanic. I was going to be some sort of psychologist.

Hanna was on some long-winded rant about a certain professor and Riku and I patiently listened. “He’s such a douche! I wasn’t even late!!” I commented, hoping to make her feel better and she groaned. “Can you try not to shrink me, please?” Riku laughed.

“Shrink you? What the hell!? I’m not eve--”

“You are and you have been ever since that guy came into the picture. It’s like everything is so textbook to you now!”

“I am not. You’re crazy!”

“Are we? How is your homeboy?”

I shrugged, insulted and irritated. “I dunno...Haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Does he still send you--”

“No. He’s stopped. Wifey probably caught him and they probably fought and eventually fixed shit. I’m still on that Team Single Status…”

“Well, I would hope you’re not because me and ‘wifey’ haven’t fixed a thing.” I heard his voice and followed Hanna’s wide and excited eyes. Goku stood there, smiling and holding a single rose in his hand.


Hello to my readers!! How are you liking this story so far?

I just wanted to warn that updating may be slow for a few chapters. I had everything from before this chapter all ready written and the rest is written on paper so I have to type it up and blah blah blah.

But I will be updating! love ya!


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