Brink of Madness

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~~A/N~~ I REALLY hope you all enjoy this chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed it when I wrote it. Also, the next chapter will be out soon. Bon appetite! ;) ~~A/N~~

I growled, meeting his eyes but raising my view slightly higher, focusing on his dark bangs, instead of his teal daggers. "Nothing is wrong. Nothing, nada. Everything is fine." I let out a sigh. "I just want to go home and cook dinner for you and Gohan. I just want the timing to be right." I said softly.

"Well I'm sorry, but you're coming to fight with us. We can argue and hash out all of this later, but right now I need you with me on the battlefield." He said after a long pause. I met his eyes and watched as he fisted his hand through his hair, eyes slowly turning dark again. "You're one of our best fighters, along with the fact that you can heal. We could really use your help getting this guy."

"If you're the strongest man in the universe, you shouldn't need me for this! If you are as strong and scary as you claim, then none of us should be necessary in the take down of this guy!"

Goku's eyes left mine and I saw him and Vegeta begin to look around. "Dammit, we're running out of time." Goku muttered but turned back towards me. "We don't have time for this argument, Nana. We need to go." I shook my head, holding my wallet tight to me still. "Is whatever's wrong this important to you that you refuse to fight?" I nodded and his face hardened. "Okay, so you're opening up a bit. So, what is it then? What is so damn important that you're refusing to fight?"

"I just don't want to fight anymore!" I screamed, causing him to back up a bit. I glanced around us, seeing the disturbed faces of the people I called friends. They're all mad...I mean I know that 90% of them are only close to me because of Goku...but were they only my friends because I sparred and healed them too? Was I only a matter of convenience? And now that I'm unwilling to fight, do I mean nothing to them? It sure looks that way... "I'm done fighting, Goku. No more fighting. No more sparring. No more healing. Nothing. I just want to be normal, at least for a little while." Goku's eyes saddened but rehardened. "Please, you have to understand."

"I don't understand. What could be so important that you're willing to give up fighting and healing? It's in your blood, Nana." He paused. "I just don't understand what it could be." He paused. "I'm asking you to fight alongside me, Nana. Please, can't you just do that?" I shook my head, hellbent on not fighting today. "So whatever this is, is more important than me and our relationship?" His voice was softer now, so were his eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak but my voice faltered. I took a deep breath and looked up into his eyes, remembering the picture of my two circling babies. "Yes. It is."

Goku flinched at my words and took a step back. His eyes clouded up and he shook his head. "I-I'm sorry...I had no idea...I didn't think a-anything was more important to you than our relationship..." He stuttered, rainy eyes displaying pain. "I just never thought that something like this could get in our way..."

"It's not just one thing. It's a few." His eyes snapped to alertness. I hugged myself a little tighter, a cold chill running down my spine. "It's two things to be exact." He frowned. "And unfortunately, these two things aren't going anywhere anytime soon. I have to put my entire existence into their wellbeing and that means no more putting myself into harm's way. I have to do everything I can to protect them because I'm so in love with them." Goku's eyes saddened. "Please, Goku, let's take Gohan and go talk in private for a little while?" He shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"I thought myself and Gohan were your most important things... But I guess that was just wishful thinking. I guess I was wrong about you." I frowned but nodded to him.

"You two matter very much so to me. It's just that right now these other two matter a bit more. I have to protect them, even if it means losing everything and everyone close to me."

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