'brother time'

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Pietro nodded and walked towards Peter's room. He gave 3 hard knocks on the door. "Go away. Leave me alone." He sobbed. Pietro just opened the door and walked in. Peter hid his face in his pillow. "Does anyone in the family understand the meaning of leave me alone!?" He growled.

"Wanda wanted me to come check on you." "Corse she did." "Hey, She just wants to make sure your ok. You know, you are her little brother." Peter scoffed at Pietro, still not showing that he was crying. "Yeah she wanted me to come and have what she calls 'brother time'. And plus it was either me or dad." Peter felt his bed shift next to him and figured Pietro sat down. He felt his hand on his shoulder and shrugged it off. "Look at me Peter." Peter didn't move "I'm not doing this again Peter." Pietro huffed, Peter turned over and sat upright "Now are you happy?" He wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm so sorry Peter." Pietro pulled Peter's head into his chest as Peter started to cry again "Fighting is all I'm good for. Why can't I do anything right!?"

"Hey, your not just good for Fighting! Young man, you are charming and funny and have a great but sometimes annoying attitude and you got the most bubbly Personality! You just gotta tone down the agitation." Pietro laughed slightly saying the sentence. "You really think so?" "Positive. You can tell me anything squirt." "Anything?" "Absolutely, Positively, doubly anything." Peter took a deep breath. "You know that witch person." Pietro looked down at Peter, now worried "Yes..." "She-" Peter was cut off "did she hurt you?!" "No, not physically." "What do you mean?" "She said I have to do what she says or she would make you and Wanda and dad abandon me so fast, and I quote, 'that it will drown your world with loneliness just like..." Peter clicked his fingers "That."

Pietro's breath hitched in his throat "Buddy We would never leave you!" "Everyone leaves me eventually. I guess, I'm just not good enough for anyone." Pietro's mouth hung open. He never knew Peter felt like this. Its like he could turn off his emotions in the flick of a switch. "How long ago was this?" "The night I went to bed sick after watching that movie with you guys, so a few days back." Peter mumbled, slower than usual as a tear ran down his face. "Dont cry, we aren't going anywhere. I think we should tell Dad and Wanda. To keep everyone, especially you, safe." "Your right. If they know, then there's less of a chance they'll hate me if I screw up again." "Peter there's a zero chance they'll hate you. It's basically impossible." Pietro walked down the hallway.

"Ok go tell 'em." Pietro ruffled Peter's hair, pushing him forward slightly. Clearing his throat, Peter walked into the kitchen "Dad, Wanda I-" He looked back at Pietro, who gave him a quick nod. Peter composed himself and continued to speak "I'm sorry for shouting and fighting and all of it pretty much. But there's something else I need to say." Erik and Wanda looked at each other "Anything kid. Go ahead." Erik nodded "right ok, so you know that witch lady, yeah, she payed me a visit the night I was ill. She said that if I didn't do what she said, she would make you, Wanda and Pietro abandon me all over again. And I can't go through that again." Wanda ran over to him and lifted him into the air like you would a child and hugged him tight. Peter wrapped his legs round Wanda so he wouldn't fall back. 

"Do you get stronger or something when it comes to me!?" Peter asked, hugging her back "Nope I'm always this strong. I just choose how I like to use my strength." Wanda was taller then Peter and probably stronger so it made perfect sense that she could lift him like that. "We aren't going anywhere." She rubbed his back.

Peter saw Pietro standing behind Wanda laughing his head off. Peter gave him a look before resting his head on Wanda's shoulder because he hardly got any sleep the nights after the purple witch came to say hi. "You tired?" She asked but got no response but a small snore. "I don't think he got much sleep. I'll take him to bed now." Wanda walked off, her arms beginning to ache and set him in his room.

She walked back out and into the lounge. "Is having a baby brother everything you ever dreamed off?" Pietro joked. "Well yes it is actually." She slumped next to her dad. "He is lucky to have you two as his siblings. You guys would protect him with your lives." Erik laughed "As would you!" Pietro laughed along "Yeah. Im proud of you. You know that." "We kinda picked up on it." Wanda smiled as they all fell asleep on the couch.

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