She threatend me

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"So why you do it?" Pietro asked "Do what?" Peter replied "Dont play dumb with me Peter! PETER!?" Peter had zoned out and was thinking back to when Lucy said he was dumb. Maybe she was right.

Peter snapped out of his thoughts when Pietro shoved him "Hey don't push me!" Peter pushed him back. "I will if I want. I'm older!" "I'm younger!" "I'm taller!" "I'm shorter!" "I'm smarter!" "I'm dumbe- WAIT NO IM NOT!" Peter dived onto Pietro and tackled him over "THIS IS FOR CALLING ME DUMB!" He landed a punch to Pietro's face, giving him a bleeding nose.

"Look what you did!" Peter soon found himself being pulled off Pietro by Erik "Let go of me!" He squirmed but Erik had a strong grip. "What has gotten into you lately!?" Erik shouted. "She threatened me!" Peter shouted "Who?" Wanda asked "Lucy." He looked at the floor "No she wouldn't do that! I have known her longer than you and she would never do that she's the sweetest girl!" Pietro protested "I agree with pietro." Wanda said and Peter's mind was flooded with 'they won't believe you' and 'your just a kid.' His thoughts got louder and louder along with everything else.

The clocks ticking grew stronger, the wir of the heater became more violent "SHUT UP!" Peter ran out the door in a flash, leaving everyone stunned.

"Where'd he go?" Wanda asked "W-we drove him away!" Erik stuttered "Oh this is all my fault!" Pietro panicked "Yes, yes it is." Wanda added. "Not helping, got it!!"

Peter ran and ran and ran. He didn't even know where he was anymore. Somewhere called Adamsville. He stopped and looked round to see he was in the middle of the woods. Sitting on a log, he thought about what happened, where he was. "Oh Peter." He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Jean!? "Jean? Howd you find me?" "Cerebro. Come with me!" He took jeans hand and she led him to an old warehouse?

"This is where we hang out sometimes." "Cool. I think." She led him inside and told him to have a seat in the chair. When he did, clamps stuck round his wrists "What the-" and soon, the whole warehouse turned into some sort of lab "Illusions, work every time." "Stryker!" Peter gasped. "Yes yes." "But-" "no time Peter."

The machine started up and Peter blacked out. He woke up back in the forest. He looked around and saw his siblings and dad running towards him. "Dad! Wanda! Pietro!" Peter couldn't move again. "Shit not again!"

Peter could hear voices and realised they were coming from his family. "Your a disappointment." "No one loves you." Peter shut his eyes "Stop please!" "Your weak." "You never listen" "YOUR.JUST.A.KID!" "I said STOP!" Peter stamped his foot and slammed his fists down, sending a huge wave of silver through everything. It knocked them down to the floor. "No please. No!" Peter begged. A voice appeared inside his head "You killed them Peter, your a monster." Peter fell to his knees, crying.

Gasping, Peter woke up again but back in the lab. "It worked!" Stryker cheered "We saw his worst fear. Abandonment and becoming a threat. Interesting." Stryker came closer to Peter and lifted his chin with 2 fingers. "Looks like you've been in the wars Maximoff." Peter's face still hadn't fully healed "Get out of my face." Peter spat but Stryker just landed a punch to Peter's mouth, making him spit out blood. It ran down his chin "Oo that looks like it hurts." He taunted.

He punched Peter in the nose again, blood ran down his lip. "Dont touch me!" Peter kicked "Get the shocker ready. He has decided to be difficult." Stryker ordered as scientists hooked up Peter to the machine. "Ready and level 7." Peter screamed in agony as the machine sent a wave of electricity through Peter. "Level 10-" The scientists sent a stronger shock through Peter just before they were all knocked out. "Hey kid." "Sam!"

Sam tried to undo the metal but it wouldn't work so he heated up his hands and grabbed the chains, melting them. "Fire! Cool!" "Yup! And I knew something was up with Lucy but I didn't know what so I think its about time we expose her." "Really!?" "Yes Peter really." Sam laughed as Peter stood up but fell right back down. "Thats not new. Usually you wouldn't be able to walk for about another hour." "Howd you know that?" "The amount of people I have had to bust outta this joint is a lot more than a few." Peter was gobsmacked and didn't even move when Sam picked him up bridal style.

"Where are we going?" "Back to your house Peter. You need to get cleaned up." "No no no!" Peter protested "Yes Peter. You have to. Its closer and-" Sam was cut off by a bullet skimming his shoulder. He put Peter down on a bench "Stay here!" Sam stood infront of Peter and lit his hands up in flames. "Ok come out." A man stepped out followed by several others.

After a lot of fighting, Sam managed to defeat them all but Peter's nose was bleeding a significantly amount more. Peter accidentally smudged it all across his face, making it looked like he just fought an entire army. "Come on. Can you walk?" "Yeah I think." Peter stood up wobbling slightly.

Peter gripped the back of Sam's neck. "What are you doing?" "Holding your neck so you don't get whiplash." "What?" "Whippplaaaash." Sam just rolled his eyes as they sped off.

"Regretting...Regretting...regretted." Peter exclaimed as he collapsed into Sam's arms half passed out.

"Oh shit." Sam muttered as he knocked on the apartment door. "Hello- MY GOD!" Wanda exclaimed at the sight of Sam and her brother. "PIETRO DAD!" She screamed as the pair came running in "Oh-" Pietro gasped. "Pass him here." Erik took Peter off Sam "Come in! What happened!?" Wanda said, helping Sam inside. "Well, I saw Peter wondering round and thought, whys he all the way out here and then he got taken by Jean. But this was wierd cause I knew Jean was with Scott today so I followed him to strykers base and yeah basically I saved his ass and have fire powers and work at the mansion." Sam blurted. Pietro didn't know what to say.

"Thanks I guess!" Wanda hugged him "Anytime but I gotta get going." "Be safe!" Pietro called "I always am!"

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