Two lovers, forbidden from one another

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Sokkas POV

Ugh finally we shook off sparky sparky boom man. But I couldn't find katara anywhere. Toph did her magic thing with the earth and removed the dust to find a nasty surprise. I felt like I needed a brainwash session at lake laogai. It was that bad. I saw my sister kissing zuko.

My big brother instincts kick in.

'Katara?!?! What the heck?!?!' 

They broke apart and looked at me with a horrifying look. That's right. They'd better.

I pulled out my space sword and pointed it at zuko.

'Sokka! What are you doing?!?!' Katara yelled.

'I'm doing what I should've done a long time ago. Step away from my sister. Now.' I felt my face harden. 

Zuko looked at me with eyes of disbelief. He looked at katara who looked like she was on the verge of crying. It was wrong breaking her heart but of all the guys in the world, she just had to choose the angry jerk who tried to have us killed multiple times.

Aang stepped in. 'Sokka, as much as I want to blast zuko off this cliff right now, your kinda being a bit too...extreme.'

I lowered my sword a bit. 'Fine. Katara. You are forbidden from being with zuko. I don't care if it's as a couple or just friends but I won't allow you to come close to zuko anymore. That's final.'

Tears spilled from her eyes. I thought she was going to yell at me, throw a tantrum and possibly flood this place right off the cliff side, but....she didn't. Instead, she whispered, ' don't mean you?'

'Katara. You have to understand this from MY point of view. Zuko tried to kill us. Me. Your only brother. And now I see you, my long-lost sister kissing him? I'm doing this for your own good. I'm sorry.' I looked away as she ran to her room and slammed the door shut. Zuko looked at me. 'I should leave now...'

'No. Aang needs a teacher. Unless we can find another one, you'll have to stay.' I said firmly before marching off to my own room.

I really hoped I was doing the right thing.


I slammed the door shut. I could literally feel my heart crumpling and tossing itself into the trash can. I ran to my bed, flopped onto it and started crying. I don't think I've ever felt this upset since my mother died.

After a few hours, I heard my room door open but I didn't want to turn to see who it was.

'Katara...I just wanted to tell you that dinners ready....if you want to come...I mean because we all heard you and thought that maybe it's best if we give you some space....' I heard Aang say.

'What do you want? To claim me as if I were an object?' I spat, still not turning to face him.

'Katara i-' 

'No aang! As a matter of fact, I'm NOT hungry so get out!' I stood up and looked him in the eyes.

He looked at my red, puffy eyes from all those hours of crying. 'Katara im sorry about zuko but sokkas right. You shouldn't be allowed to be with hi-'

I took a deep breath and reached out to feel the water inside him. Inside his blood.

'K-katara! W-wh-what are you d-doing to me?!?!' He asked as I made him walk out of my room.

'get. Out. OF. MY. ROOM!!!' I yelled as I slammed the door and let him fall to the ground. My breathing got heavy. I was losing it.

I was losing control of myself and my body.

Did I just...bloodbend Aang? Was I a monster? I'm a monster. Just like azula.

I finally came to a decision.

'I'm sorry zuko.'

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