The Start

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Back to Filming

It's the day for Hyun Bin to go back filming but as his PA said, he needs a doctor by his side, so yes, Doctor Son is going to be with him for today's filming and for the next days until he recover.

As you can see, Hyun Bin is going to be energetic while packing his personal things for todays filming.

On the Way to the Filming Set

As usual Hyun Bin is going to the filming but he's not being normal right now, why?, because of the doctor beside him, we can say, he's crush.

After a few minutes they both arrived at the filming location with a smile.

Awkward smile of course.


Yejin won't do anything there, just incase Hyun Bin got hurt or what, that's the only thing she will handle/do the whole day.

Many chrews and people ask Yejin if she's hungry or what she needs but of course she said nothing unless it's a no.

Until lunch break comes and Hyun Bin reached her out first and ask if she aren't hungry.

"I'm not Mr. Hyun Bin, just help yourself", she replied.

but just a few seconds, her stomach growl and Hyun Bin chuckled, while she is embarrassed.

"Don't call me Mr. Hyun Bin, just call me Bin, Doctor Son". Bin said.

"Then don't call me Doctor Son too, just call me Yejin". Doctor Son Replied still embarrassed.

Oh, sure Yejin, but let's eat first.


It's been a long day for Yejin but not a tiring one, why?, because Yejin just sat and eat there at the filming set.

While on Hyun Bin's side, he's really tired, literally the opposite of Yejin's feeling right now but yes, he is still happy for today, it's been a tiring day for him but a happy one because of Doctor Son was there with him.


Yejin is about to sleep when she suddenly heared a beep from her phone, someone texted her at this hour.

and who is it??


It's Bin....

Yes, he texted her because he wants to know if how is she.

after a few replies they finally said goodnight to eachother, of course in a formal way and with respect.


Bin: Hi and good evening Yejin😊, I'm sorry for texting at this hour.

Yejin: It's fine and no worries, good evening too Bin-ssi!☺️

Bin: so aren't you tired??

Yejin: of course I'm not, actually I should be the one asking that to you.

Bin: you don't need too, I'm just tired.

Yejin: you should rest now and get a lack of sleep for the next filmings.

Bin: I think I should lol.

Yejin: yes, you should! sleep now Bin!😂 don't be naughty.🤨

Bin: I won't.😛

Yejin: well goodnight! you should sleep! I will sleep too! I still have morning shift tomorrow!😵

Yejin: goodnight!!💕

Bin: well yes, you literally should sleep! goodnight Yejinssi!🤗💕

Bin: don't reply! arasseo?!😶

It's literally a long and happy day.


Finally a longer chapter.😂

I'm sorry for taking so long to update, I hope y'all are doing fine!!☺️ Thank you for reading and waiting for this chapter! I appreciate it a lot💕

I love y'all have a good day/night!🥰

Stay safe!!🤗❤️

              - Vella <333

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